Chapter 6.2

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The humidity was the first thing I noticed. There was also something sharp biting into my palm. I was on my hands and knees in the dirt. Both Avery and Mom were hovering over me, their voices a blur.


Tamner's voice broke through the fog and I glance up to see the old man walking as quickly as he could towards us through the village. I'd managed to bring us through right on the edge of the huts.

"John," I said, lifting my head up more and sitting back on my heels. "He's hurt," I told the old man.

Tamner turned, heading right over to where Hunter held John upright. Dad held a hand out and helped me to my feet. Suon and the Chief of the village appeared then, from the other side of the line of huts.

"Hasim," Suon said, raising a hand in greeting. "Many blessings to see Hasim."

"Thanks, it's awesome to see you, too," I said, brushing the dirt from my hands. My muscles ached. Tamner led Hunter and John back through the village from the way he came. I tried not to notice how pale he was in the morning light that filtered in through the large jungle trees that surrounded us.

"Who?" Suon asked, bringing my attention back to our group as he looked to my family and the others.

"They're my parents. My mother, and father. This is Avery, and the others... they are Summoners, like me."

Avery wrapped a hand around mine.

Suon gave a knowing smile that he shared with the Chief, who I couldn't for the life of me remember his name, before turning back to us and placed a hand on his own chest. "Suon."

He pointed to the Chief. "Our leader, Naekas. Come, follow us. Good thing for you. Come see."

I felt a little odd about this, but we gathered our things and followed Suon and the Chief. We walked through the village, heading towards Tamner's hut. But there was something different about the village and it took me a moment to realize there was a new building that hid Tamner's from view. It was almost larger than the chief's building, which served as the town hall in the center of the village cluster.

Suon gestured to the new building, pride radiating off of him in waves. "You see. You like?" he asked. "It is Hasim's."

I started at him, as I grasped what he was telling me.

Dad leaned over. "This is where you say thanks," he whispered at me.

I shook myself, still in awe at the size of the structure that had been built while we were away. It could have fit two of Tamner's huts inside it. And that wasn't all. The details that had gone into its construction were impeccable. The outer walls were painted with murals of Summoners with their demons and the symbol from my necklace was a repeating motif that ran under the beams that supported the thatched roof. Stepping inside, the interior was stocked with rugs, furs, and plenty of firewood. Charms and more pendants hung from the rafters.

"Beauty, is it not?" Suon said, coming to stand next to me. "We made for you. Now Hasim has returned, you need space to rest. A home."

My vision grew blurry, and I scrubbed at my face with my hands, hoping that it just looked like I was tired. Which I was. "I don't know what to say," I said finally.

Suon smiled, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "Say nothing. It is our thanks."

I nodded, covering his hand with one of my own. "I should check on John," I said, but as I moved, the world spun around me. Both Suon and Dad grabbed at my arms, keeping me upright.

"I think you need to slow down," Avery said, taking my hand. She led me over to the nearest bed of furs and eased me down. "You've done enough for now, and Tamner knows where to finds us. You need to sleep."

As much as I wanted to argue with her, I couldn't deny that she was right. Slowly, the spinning came to a stop, but I didn't feel like repeating the experience.

"Yes, rest. I check for you," Suon said and darted out the door before I could say otherwise.

Avery chuckled. "I like him."

"Yeah, I do, too." I thought of the fighting staff he'd given me and regretted leaving it behind at the house.

Even as tired as I was, sleep was hard to find. I watched Mom and Dad unpack a few of their things, settling in on the other side of the building, away from Avery and myself. Tessa and Anissa were quiet, huddled together as they talked in hushed tones just outside the door.

Part of me couldn't help but be excited that we were here, in the Halfworld again, but I was devastated by the reason why. Back in the spring, when we'd stormed Nathan's house and learned that Liam had been working with him- I thought that had hurt. But talking with Liam last night, listening to him defending Nathan's actions and taking his side, I'd realized that I'd held on to the hope that Liam had been misled. That Nathan had somehow tricked my brother into following him.

Tonight had just proved me wrong, and Liam a traitor.

"You really should sleep," Avery said, curling up next to me.

I nodded, pulling her closer to bury my face in the nap of her neck. "I'm exhausted, but my brain won't stop. So much has happened, I can't stop replaying it all in my mind." I took a deep breath, savoring the scent of strawberries that lingered in her hair. "I'm worried about John."

She clutched at the arm I'd wrapped around her waist, and whispered, "Me, too." 

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