Chapter 11.1

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My whole body ached by the time I reached the little room that Hunter and I shared. I grabbed the edge of the door as the world swam around me. It'd already been a long day, and I needed to be at the top of my game tonight. But I wasn't really sure I could be. Gaining my balance again, I was conflicted. I needed to be there for Ezra but the big question was, could I?


I turned to see Hunter walking down the hall towards me, two bowls of fruit in his hands. His hair was wet, the ends dripping on a fresh linen shirt that he must have borrowed from the monks. He looked sure and strong, and the exact opposite of everything I was feeling.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, slowing to a stop.

"Yeah, just a little winded." I walked into our room and took a seat on the edge of the bed, trying not to look like I almost passed out.

Hunter passed over one of the wooden bowls and sat next to me. "How did the meeting go with Ezra and the others? Did they explain more of what happened?"

"Yeah," I said, and gave him a brief rundown of what was said between bites of food. The fruit was bitter and didn't sit well on my stomach, but I forced myself to eat. I would need the strength.

"Ezra's decided to take a group to investigate the village. See if the invaders are still there. Maybe even try and find out why, if they are."

Hunter nodded, setting his now-empty bowl aside. "That makes sense. When are they leaving?"

"We're going after sundown-"

"'We'?" Hunter repeated, whipping back around in surprise. "You're going as well?"

"I already told him I would-"

"But you've just been healed. Have you even tried to use your power, yet?"

The concern behind his voice surprised me. Why? How could he feel so strongly for me when we barely knew each other? I mean, yeah, we'd kissed a few times, and I felt like we had a connection. But had we reached 'boyfriend' status?

"I used it this afternoon," I said hesitantly.

"And you think it's wise to go out, to where you might have to fight, so soon? You just got out of bed this morning."

"I think it's wise that Ezra has as much help as he can get. His luck isn't always the best." I picked at my fruit again, but my appetite was now gone completely. I set the bowl behind me on the bed and ran my hands through my hair. It'd grown longer than I'd like usually let it go in the past few weeks. I was going to have to do something with it soon.

"Then we'll get Ezra the help he needs. Stay here," Hunter said, taking one of my hands. "Stay here, and I'll go with him."

"You don't think I can take care of myself?" I was suddenly reminded of one of those old renaissance paintings of a knight kneeling before the maiden, with her hand clasped lightly in his. Was Hunter supposed to be my knight? Would I let him?

"I'm not saying that. I'm saying you still need to recover. You can't take care of others without taking care of yourself first."

I found Hunter's concern touching, but I shook my head. I had to go. I'm not sure what it was, but the need was undeniable. I had to be there to help Ezra.

"I'm going."

Hunter frowned, leaning back. "I won't stop you, but honestly, I think it's a really bad idea."

He stood and walked out of the room without another word.

Sighing, I fell sideways, crashing into the pillows and blankets of the bed. Ok, first fight? Check. I had to admit, I thought it was a really bad idea, too. But what else was I supposed to do? And besides, I needed to figure out what was going on with my powers and quick.

Drawing my knees up, I curled in on myself. Now, even with my power sort of back, I still felt so out of place. When was I going to feel like me again?

* * *

I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I knew, Hunter was gently shaking my shoulder.


"We're getting ready to leave. Everyone is gathering in the courtyard."

I sat up, wiping the sleep from my eyes. "I thought you didn't want me to go?"

Hunter frowned. "I don't."

"But you could have let me keep sleeping-"

"Yeah, and then you would have been really upset at me for leaving you behind. Though don't get me wrong, if you didn't wake up, I would've left without you."

I stared at him a moment longer, then smiled. "Thanks,"

"Just," Hunter paused to run a hand through his hair, then forced himself to finish. "Just promise me you'll be super careful, and don't go off on your own?"

He was worried about me, and yet he still woke me to with them after I'd fallen asleep. The promise was a simple one, and to be fair, I didn't want to go off on my own.

"I promise."

Hunter held a hand out to me, I took it and he pulled me to my feet, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. An uneasiness inside of me lifted a little, like a salve on a burn. There was something about Hunter that just fit right, and even when we were at odds, we could find a way. Together.

We headed down to where the others had started to gather. The courtyard was lit with lanterns and the last of the brilliant sunset that painted the sky. Ezra stood off to the side with Poe, but it was Benji and his daughter Kaylee that caught my attention.

"John!" Kaylee called, rushing over. "Are you feeling better?"

"Much better, thank you." And it was the truth. The brief nap had helped recharge me, and I was actually feeling pretty strong. If I could just figure out how to use my power, things would be awesome.

"I'm glad, you seem better." Kaylee smiled. "You're going with the group tonight too?"


"Dad is too, but he's making me stay here with Tessa and Avery. Anissa's going, though."

Sure enough, Anissa stood to the side with Tessa and Avery, a small pack slung over her shoulder. All in all, we had Suon, Anissa, Benji, Ezra, Hunter, and myself. We were splitting into two groups, each with a summoner who could portal their group back to the Temple at the moment things went south. I had to admit, this already seemed a step up from the time that Ezra 'investigated' the Coven's warehouse I was working in.

I glanced at Poe, but he was focused on his conversation with Ezra. I wanted to grab a few words with him, ask him about the power he'd given me, but as I stepped closer, Ezra raised his hands, looking to gain the group's attention.

"Everyone ready?"

Ezra gave Avery a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, before turning to the empty space in the courtyard that'd been left open for him to cast in.

The night sky was completely dark now, and the red glow from Ezra's summoning circle was harsh in the courtyard.

Hunter came up beside me and took my hand in his. "Don't leave my side."

I cocked a smile at him. "I promised, didn't I?"

He didn't smile back, in fact, Hunter looked as serious as I'd ever seen him before. The portal opened, showing nothing but a dark expanse of trees on the other side.

It was time to go.

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