Chapter 6.1

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The swirling vertigo of traveling through the portal almost did me in. My stomach revolted, threatening to turn itself inside out and leave me heaving. For a brief moment, I was thankful that it was empty.

My arm burned and the fire from the wound was spreading, consuming me. I clutched the dart in my hand, remembering that I'd pulled it from my arm as soon as I could, but obviously, I wasn't quick enough.


Avery's shout cut through my thoughts. I forced myself to look up. We were through the portal, the Stanwood house a blur in the background, but I recognized it from the few times I visited with Ez over the summer.

Another set of hands lifted my injured arm causing me to gasp, my vision all but blacking out completely.

"What happen?!" Hunter said next to me. His hands carefully transferred my weight from Ezra's side to his. The clean linen scent of his shirt a comfort that I wasn't expecting.

"I don't know." Ezra's voice was anxious. "Liam threw something at me and John jumped in the way."

"Liam was there?" That was Ezra's father, William. His voice came from further away. I turned my head toward it, trying to make my eyes focus on the blurry shapes.

I was moved some more, making the nausea worse as they lowered me down. A moan escaped me as I slumped to the side, leaning on the smooth wood handrail. They had set me down on the porch steps. A hand touched my forehead. Hunter's, I realized after a moment.

"He's burning up."

"He looks like he's going to be sick," Avery said.

The memory of Liam palming the dart in Ezra's office came to mind. I loosened my grip, letting the dart fall from my fingers to clatter on the step below.

"Careful, don't touch the tip, it might be poisoned," William warned.

Poisoned? Why would Liam want to poison Ezra? All at once, understanding came together in my mind. With an aching gasp, I pulled myself up, forcing my aching body to move.

"John!" Gasps, and warnings to sit back came at me, but I shook them off.

"Earth," I mumbled, trying to take a step forward. My balance was horrible and I tilted to the side. Strong arms caught me, holding my body steady. Hunter's face came into focus.

"I got you," he said, and help me down the few steps to the grass of the front yard.

I all but collapsed into the dirt, fear building within me as I figured out what was wrong. I could feel the earth's magic beneath me, the energy right there at my fingertips.

But I couldn't touch it.


Hunter looked up at me from where he knelt next to John on the ground and shook his head. "He's mumbling something, but I can't hear him."

I brushed my hair back, running fingers through it before wrapping my arms around my stomach. "We've got to get out of here, Liam knows I'd come here. I can't risk him or the witches finding us."

"Where else can we go?" Tessa lingered near the front door that was wide open. I could see Anissa and my mother inside, behind her.

Dad helped Hunter get John up off the ground, holding him up. John's expression was painful to look at; the complete devastation and vacant stare, his cheeks wet with tears.

"The Halfworld," I said, and everyone's eyes swung to me in surprise. I fought with the exhaustion in me not to sigh. "It's the one place that they can't reach us. And it'll give John a chance to recover."

John started shaking his head at that, but I ignored him and focused on Dad.

"You and mom should come, too. It's not safe-"

"Ezra," Dad started.

"Humor me. Please?" I interrupted him and rubbed at my eyes. "I can't go and be worried about leaving you behind for him to find. Whatever he did to John, that was meant for me. I can't stand to think he might do something to you, too."

Dad looked past me to Mom on the porch, then back to me. "Give us some time to pack."

I nodded and stepped over to take Dad's place as he headed inside with Mom.

Working slowly, Hunter and I got John back over to the steps and set him down gently. John grabbed weakly at my shirt, pulling at it until I could look him in the eyes.

"It's my fault," he mumbled. "I'm so sorry. All my fault."

"Shh, just chill," I told him. "We'll get out of here soon, and you can rest."

He shook his head. "It's my fault they found the house. Not Liam's."

I tried not to think about what he was saying. It was too much right now and it wouldn't do any good. "You're hurt, and not thinking straight. Rest."

John nodded slowly, but then seemed to think better of the action. He closed his eyes, shifting slightly to lean against the railing again.

Hunter stepped back, motioning me to the side, away from John. "We need to get him to a hospital."

"There isn't time," I said, regretting the words even as I said them. "But," I added quickly, "once we're on the other side, there's someone that can help him. I know he can." I don't know who I was trying to convince, Hunter or myself.

Hunter nodded grimly, accepting my excuse.

It didn't take long before we were all gathered again on the front lawn ready to go. Hunter and Avery had John supported between them. Tessa and Anissa were ready to help Mom and Dad with all the bags that we had for the group.

The early light of dawn was just peeking over the neighboring mountain. I shivered with a chill. I turned away from them and tried to center myself. I was exhausted, and it wasn't just from being up for the last twenty-four hours.

Reaching for the talent, I focused my thoughts on the Half-world, on the village John and I had stayed in with Poe. I thought of Tamner and Suon, and the friends we'd made on the other side.

Pinpointing the location for the portal came easily to me, but the talent I needed was another matter. I scraped at the bottom of my reserves and even that was barely enough.

I wavered as the portal made the connection and opened, Dad's hand snapping out to steady me. "Quickly," I said. "Be quick."

"We could've waited, and let you rest-" Dad started as Avery and Hunter stepped through with John.

"There's no time." I shook my head. "Go. It's not safe. "

Watching, I struggled to hold the portal open as the rest of them followed, and I all but fell through after them.


The next update will be on Friday, 12/28/18! Thanks for reading!

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