Chapter 9.1

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"Are you sure?" I asked Anissa as I fed another handful of sticks to the fire. She and her sister were sitting on the opposite side, their expressions serious. The rest of our group were gathering our things and taking down most of the camp in the late morning light. Everything except for what Benji and his daughter, and the twins now, too, would need for another day or two.

Anissa nodded. "Yes, Tessa and I have decided we would like to stay with Benji and Kaylee if he will let us. He can help us just as well as you can."

"Perhaps, even better," Tessa said, as she reached up to tie her braids back, "since he trained with the family before they were all killed."

Benji let out a sour laugh. "Barely, I was hardly more than a kid."

He sat to my right and Kaylee still slept curled next to him. From what John had described about her powers yesterday, and how she'd helped the demon, I wasn't surprised she was as exhausted as she was.

"But yes," Benji continued. "They're more than welcome to travel with us. I'm sure Kaylee would love the company." He glanced down at his daughter briefly. "We'll head home as soon as she's on her feet, then we'll venture out to meet Suon's tribe."

"We'll catch up with you all there, then." I reached over to double-checked my bag at my feet. A quick glance around at the others waiting and adjusting bag straps told me that all was in order. "I think we're ready."

Benji stood and walked over to a clear area away from everyone. He raised his hands and, with sure smooth motions, summoned a portal.

It reminded me of when I first watched Poe summon a portal. I'd stood in a clearing of trees, not unlike this one, with Avery and Liam before I'd been captured by the Witches and freed with the help of John and Poe. That day seemed like years ago, a lifetime ago, not merely months. I bit back a wave of sadness, forcing myself to focus on what was going on now.

The sigils and circle appeared in the air, casting a rose-tinted glow over the clearing. Hunter watched with rapt attention, John and Avery at his side. I could feel Benji's power travel away from us and connect with a destination as the portal opened to a small stone courtyard. A scattering of monks in cream and brown robes stood stunned, staring at us.

The temple Tamner had told us about rose high behind them, carved directly into the cliffs of the mountain. Trees and vines of the jungle looked as if they were trying to reclaim the lost ground civilization had taken from them.

I turned to Benji as the warriors started through the portal with the wounded, and found myself at a loss for words. "Thank you, for all of this."

"No," he shook his head, planting his hands on his hips as he glanced down at briefly at his feet. "I should be thanking you. For helping Kaylee, for finding us here. I can't tell you what this means to us. To know that we still have family."

"Let's call it even then," I said and glanced over at Anissa and Tessa. "Last chance?"

Tessa smiled and shook her head. "We'll meet back up with you at the village."

As John and Hunter stepped through, Avery shouldered her pack and took my hand with a gentle squeeze. "Ready?"

"Until next time," I said to Benji and walked through the portal side by side with Avery.

Such an odd sensation, stepping through another's portal; like catching a chill down my spine. It was something I hadn't noticed when I'd gone through Poe's portals. But was that because I hadn't been through one of my own at that point?

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