Chapter 12.3

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It was a breath of relief to be back, but I felt the need to get moving, to figure out what exactly Nathan was up to. I didn't have any clue, and it felt wrong to be sitting here with my family, safe, while the last summoner was still out there alone, still in danger.

I stepped into the living room to find a quiet seat from everyone gathered in the kitchen. There was talk of heading out to a grocery store to pick up enough food to feed everyone a proper meal if I had heard Mom right.

Reaching into my power, I traveled out along the lines that tied me to all the other Reinhardts, and I was relieved to find that the last was still far to the north, in New York. Of course, I'd have been happier if he were here with us. It would be safer by far.


Pulling myself out of my light trance, I found Dad standing nearby, worry etched in his aging face. "I've a favor to ask, and I hate to do so now right after you've gotten back, but I don't think it can wait."

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up straighter.

"I was wondering if you would take me up to check on Lyssa. It's been a while since I last spoke with her and she isn't answering my calls."

"What? How long is 'a while'?"

He frowned, taking a seat next to me on the couch. "Lyssa tends to go off in her own little world, but she'll usually call me every few weeks at least. It's getting close to a month now since I last spoke with her."

And since I could portal us there and back in a few minutes versus making a four-day drive north across the US to reach her place in northern Washington state, it made sense that he'd ask me.

"Sure, I-"


Hunter came in the slider door in a rush, his phone in hand. "Dad got in touch with the Hedge Witches. They want to meet with us. Tonight."

"Tonight?" I glanced at Dad. Worry filled his eyes, but we had talked about the possible information the Hedge Witches might be able to tell us while we were in the Half World.

"Dad said they can meet tonight or not at all." Hunter cringed a little, uncertain. "They don't seem to think that he's actually in contact with Necromancers."

"I'd hate to wait on checking on Lyssa," Dad started, "but the Hedge Witches might have information we might not get otherwise."

"No, we can do this." I stood, searching through everyone that crowded around the kitchen. "We just need to divide and conquer. Where's Benji?"

I caught sight of him talking with Avery's mother and called him over.

"Where do they want to meet?" I asked Hunter, as Benji joined us.

Hunter hesitated. "The arboretum. Dad chose it, thinking it would be easier for us to find. He's already gone through the whole place checking for anything John's family might have left behind."

It wasn't my first choice, but it'd have to do. I thought quickly of opening the portal to Atlanta myself then going on to Lyssa's place with Dad, but my strength wasn't limitless and I didn't know what we'd be walking into in Washington.

"What's going on?" Benji asked.

"Have you been to Atlanta before?" I asked quickly. "Could you portal there with Hunter and John?" I quickly outlined the situation, explaining that they'd be meeting with other Witches who'd left the Coven like his wife.

Benji frowned. "It's been a long time, but maybe? If you had a picture of where you wanted to go, that would help-"

Hunter held up his phone, showing Benji a picture he'd pulled up. "There, it's where my dad is. This is it."

The older summoner looked confused. "What is that?"

Hunter glanced at the screen. "The front of the arboretum?"

"No, the whole thing." Benji gestured to the phone itself.

"A cell phone?"

"No, cellular phones are giant, like the size of your head."

I let out a small laugh and grinned at Benji. "You've been gone too long. A lot has changed since you've been in the Half World."

"I can see that." Benji took a deep breath. "I guess it's not a problem then, as long as Kaylee doesn't mind staying here." He glanced back at where Thea and Kaylee had taken seats at the kitchen table, a pair of cupcakes in front of them. Thea giggled at the other girl's expression as she tasted the chocolate frosting.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, and we can talk to Mom. I'm sure she'd look after Kaylee and let you know if she needs you. Dad and I will go check on Lyssa."

An uneasy feeling came over me. I didn't like that Lyssa had been out of touch for so long. Nathan already had a bad habit of kidnapping and killing people, which put Lyssa's chances low on my list. But why Lyssa? What had I missed?

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