Chapter 2.4

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I reached for my phone again, unlocking it with a swipe. Frankie's picture stared back at me. She'd want to know I was safe and that I wasn't planning on coming back.

Checking the location services under settings, I made sure they were switched off before pulling up my text app. There were already nearly fifty messages from her and others in my family, other witches I knew, asking me where I was, to call them.

I selected Frankie's messages and read through them again, even though I practically knew them by heart now.

April 26

F: call me

F: Pls call, txt, anything!

April 27

F: I need to know that you're okay

F: John, pls. Just tell me where you are and I'll come get you

May 12

F: You have to be okay. I can't believe that you're gone

October 30

F: I miss you

The last message always twisted my heart. My thumbs quickly flew across the keyboard, but paused over the send key, just as it had countless times before. This time, though, I couldn't stop myself.

J: I miss you, too

I regretted it the moment I sent it, but there was relief, too. Tears blurred my vision and I stared at the ceiling. She'd know now that I was still alive, at least. That was enough, right?

My phone buzzed violently in my hand. The screen had changed to Frankie's picture. She was calling me.

I couldn't catch my breath as I closed my eyes against the fresh wave of tears. I swiped to answer. Holding the phone up, I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"John? John, is that you?" Frankie's voice rang clear, in a near-panicked state. "John, say something!"

I covered my mouth, afraid of what I would say.

"Just tell me you're okay!! Where are you?!" Her voice grew more frantic as I gasped for breath, fighting with myself. I wanted to tell her everything. I wanted her to tell me that it'd be okay.

"I'm sorry," I finally whispered. I hung up and hit the power button, making sure it was off before crawling into bed. 

Will of the Witch [Legacy, BK 2 - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now