Chapter 2.2

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The back screen door slammed, reminding me again that it still needed to be fixed. I caught sight of Hunter walking out, looking more than a little bewildered. I shifted my focus back trying to get the beans to climb the makeshift trellis I'd set up that morning. They were stubborn and it took more than a little nudging with my power to get them to cooperate.

"Here, let me," Hunter said, suddenly by my side. His hands gently took the vine and held it in place so I could set the tie.

"Thanks." I stepped back when I was done, and looked the plant over with my magic. It would put out pods in a day or two with a little help. I smiled, satisfied with the progress.

"That's pretty impressive, getting those to grow in this type of soil," Hunter said. "How'd you do it?"

I shrugged and started gathering up the twine and tools. "Magic."

He grew still next to me. "Like what Ezra just did in the house?"

"What did he do?" I had more than a good idea, but I didn't want to say more than I should. I wasn't sure how Ez wanted to handle telling his relatives about their power and this new world he was about to reveal them.

Hunter shook his head. "It doesn't matter, I guess. I kinda feel like I'm dreaming, you know? Just having all this thrown at me."

Hearing his words echoing my thoughts was a little jarring. I started towards the shed but spotted a little seedling that had gotten trampled by the downpour. I set my stuff down and knelt, offering it a little bit of power to strengthen it and heal the damage the rain had caused.

"I thought Ezra said you weren't a Necromancer," Hunter stated when I was finished.

"I'm not." I picked up the tools again and continued to the shed.

"Then how'd you do that?" he asked, following me.

I hesitated, a fear building in me. Had Ezra already told him about my 'kind'? Had he already said we were the ones responsible for orphaning him?

"How?" He prompted again, and I slowed, glancing back at him.

"I'm a Witch." I watched his face closely for a reaction but was only met with a blank stare.

"You say that like it was a bad thing."

Ezra hadn't told him. I walked into the open shed and put the tools away. "I'll let Ez explain it to you."

"Why? Can't you?" he challenged me from the doorway, blocking what little light it let in.

I tossed the twine up on a shelf and turned to him. "No, I shouldn't-"

"Just tell me already! If I can handle a... a portal opening in the living room, I'm sure I can handle this."

"You can tell him," Ezra said from outside.

Hunter moved so we both could see Ezra standing in the wet grass, his arms crossed against his chest. "We'll have to tell him sooner or later."

Hunter looked at both of us in turn, before settling his gaze on me.

I looked away and took a deep breath. "It's what the Witches have done, what they're doing now, that's the problem."

"And that is?" Hunter prompted.

I clenched my jaw, not wanting to say it. Not wanting to know how that might change how he or any of the other new Reinhardts would see me.

"They're killing Necromancers. Have been for the generations." I forced the words out bitterly. I felt sick every time I thought about it; saying it out loud was even more painful.

Hunter stared at me, the realization growing on his face. He looked back at Ezra.

"Then my birth-parents?"

Ezra nodded. "The same as mine. It probably wasn't an accident that killed them."

Hunter stepped away from us, and I felt horrible. My family, my people were responsible for his pain. He'd done nothing to deserve it. I may miss my family, but seeing this only solidified the fact that I could never go back to them, not until they learned what I knew now: that Necromancers were no different from us.

I slipped up to my room, not wanting to socialize or be near Hunter. I didn't want to remind him all night that my kind was the reason he didn't have parents. What was I supposed to say? Sorry, my family killed yours, want to be buddies? It wasn't the most friendly way to start off a conversation. 


Thanks for reading!! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the section. Leave a comment and vote!

Chapter 2.3 will be posted later today on my Patreon and next week here on Wattpad. 

Until then: 

And Happy Holidays! 

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And Happy Holidays! 

Will of the Witch [Legacy, BK 2 - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now