chapter 12 . questioning

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Kaden - Village X - some hours later

I woke up few hours later, this time feeling a lot more rested.

My leg muscles were still aching but I hoped all the exercise I did before coming here would help me recover faster.

I got up to my feet and was met with my housemates' chatter.

"How can I make you believe that we did not kill someone and dump the body somewhere? You're exaggerating it Lee."

I almost laughed at Esther's sentence as soon as I heard it. Lee followed right after her.

"You can't blame me for thinking the worst after I found you guys at home the way I did.

One of you drained, could barely keep her eyes open and the other one came home bleeding, completely a mess. You guys looked quite like you killed someone and dumped the body." His accent was peaking through the words as he got more heated.

I couldn't contain my laughter any longer and that caused them to turn to me. Esther had a horrified yet relieved look on her face as she saw me come in.

"And you are laughing! He has been interrogating me since the moment I opened my eyes. He came up with tons of different scenarios about our little 'action' as he likes to say. I told him it was not something serious but he won't believe me."

I sat on the sofa, right next to Esther. I threw my arm around her and let my head rest on her shoulder as I felt Lee's stare watching my every move, curious to know how I was gonna be involved with this conversation. He knew most of the time I would be objective but he also grew to know the playful side I had.

"I'm sure for you Esther, it was nothing. You sew severed fingers and stuff all the time." I started to put an excited expression on my face just to see Lee get excited as well. "But she is right, it was nothing we couldn't handle."

It didn't take Lee more than a second to realize my taunt and he went right back to his suspicious self.

He pointed his finger at both of us as though he was scolding his two daughters.

"You two are trying to distract me but I won't buy it this time." His tough act didn't last long though. He was impatient and wanted to know what kind of fun he missed out.

"A least tell me briefly ? Come on girls, I'm curious. You know a lot doesn't happen around here like that."

Esther glanced my way to see what my decision would be.

I had to tell Lee something, he simply wouldn't let this go but also he needed to be informed just in case.

I was just trying to decide about how much to say. I didn't wanna compromise their identity any further. Us knowing about them was a minimum to average security breach, according to Haven and I didn't want to add Lee to the equation. After I decided on what to do, I turned to Lee.

"You might wanna sit down because it's not gonna be a short story."

I started from the arrival of an injured soldier and went on to talk about how I asked help from Esther. I added a small detail to maybe distract him from the holes in my story.

"That's why I had no sheets on the bed. I thought you wrapped the body in it or something." This time it was obvious that he was joking but I still punched him on the arm and went on with my story.

I told him how we got him into the clinic.

I skipped the part where we found the cube since Lee would start to ask tons of questions about it as the tech geek he was and I did not have the strenght to answer him.

I told him that other soldiers contacted us and we talked about how we would return the injured soldier back to them. I didn't give him the details of our conversations so much and skipped most of the jokes for obvious reasons.

"And after I delivered the soldier to his friends, farewells were bid and I got back home. End of the story." I looked at his thoughtful face and asked; "How'd you like the story? Not as good as you expected I guess."

He blinked a few times and it looked like his mind just gained its focus back after so much information.

"I mean, don't think I didn't notice the few holes in your story but I'm glad you two are okay now. Sorry for being a little pushy, I was just worried after seeing Esther so drained and you bleeding." His worried expression started to soften as his eyes trailed both of us to confirm that we were okay.

He got up and patted both our heads briefly and walked to the kitchen counter with a deep sigh.

"Let's eat something, shall we? You look hungry."

Just like that, we were back to our normal selves. Or at least, I hoped we were.


I admit that this was a fairly shorter update and it has been a month since my last one but hear me out okay lol me and my family got the virus and it took all of us a solid month to recover from it. I also didn't have the motivation to edit but now I am back, hopefully. I hope you liked this chapter. Like i said, it is on the shorter side but I wanted to just update as soon as possible. I am gonna try my best to have another part up before new year but in case I didn't, Happy New Years !

Question of the part : What is your favorite colour/s? 

Love you all and see you next time -ONM

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