chapter 30

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The two walked back into the house.
Shotaro noticed Ten in front of him who gave in a thumbs up.

"I'm gonna head to the store quickly, wanna join?" Shotaro asked Daiyu who smiled in response.

"Yea I wanna go!"

"Give me one second" Shotaro smiled and patted her head as Daiyu started walking to the living room seating herself next to Shuhua, Chenle, Jisung, and Haechan.

"Yeh Daiyu." Daiyu looked up making eye contact with Shuhua.
"Was it necessary to confess that loud." Daiyus face turned red after she realized the members heard her.

"Oh sorry about that..." She looked away flustered.

"Yea we heard you loud and clear YEH DAIYU I LIKE YOU!!" Chenle mimicked Shotaro while everyone laughed along with him making Daiyu feel uncomfortable.

"Shut up! I don't even know why he did all of that anyways..."
Soon Shotaro came down and the two walked to the convenience store.

"Soon Shotaro came down and the two walked to the convenience store

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"You should've brought a sweater or something it's cold.." Shotaro said.
Daiyu was currently wearing a tshirt and sweatpants while walking in the cool night with Shotaro.

"It's barely even cold i'm fine." Daiyu assured him she's fine, a cool breeze blows by them making Daiyu shiver at the feeling. Shotaro unzips his sweater.

"Here take this." Daiyu couldn't help but cringe at his actions.

"What is this? Is this your attempt at making a move?" Daiyu asked while taking the sweater from him.

"Yes, it is now just wear it so you won't be sick." Daiyu burst out laughing at him.

He's cute not gonna lie...

They soon arrived at the convenience store where they both bought ramen and sat at the table.

"Can you go buy a drink for us?" Daiyu ask with her mouth full of ramen.

"Buy it yourself I bought the ramen." Shotaro says back.

"No I left my card at the house please buy it for me i'll pay you back." Daiyu pleaded. Shotaro rolled his eyes and went to buy her strawberry milk like always.

"Here." He gives the drink to Daiyu as she smiles.

"Thank you Tarooo!" Daiyu drinks the strawberry milk. Daiyu sighs loudly gaining Shotaros attention.

"What's wrong?"
"I hope Ningning is ok. She must be suffering a lot..."

"She'll be ok Daiyu i'll make sure she doesn't get hurt." Daiyu nods at his response but still felt weary.

"Welcome!" Daiyu heard the worker greet the customer coming in.

"ID please." The cashier asked.
"The ID isn't going through...?"
Daiyu eavesdropped and out of curiosity, looked at person. It was a girl with black long hair and a hoodie. She bought a pack of cigarettes and alcohol.

"Wait- is that the EXO tattoo on her neck?" Daiyu subtly pointed and Shotaro looked.

"What the... i've never seen her before. Since when was she a member?" Shotaro asked

She watched as the cashier looked at the girl confused. Suddenly, the girl grabbed both of the items and ran out of the store.
"HEY!" The cashier runs and tries grabbing the girl before she could escape.

Daiyu stood up from her seat attempting to run after her before Shotaro grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"What are you doing? Trying to run after her? Sit down." Shotaro says with a stern expression motioning to the seat.

"No but we should stop her she just stole stuff." Daiyu says while pointing at the girl already down the street. The cashier had given up, and walked back.

"No, she's part of EXO didn't you see the tattoo? Just don't mind her." Shotaro let go of Daiyus wrist as she sat down. She watched the cashier as she ran after the girl soon giving up and coming back.

"Oh no... what if she reports me for selling drugs and alcohol to a minor? What do I do what do I do?"

Daiyu felt sorry as she watches the cashier get worked up about the girl.
Soon both Shotaro and Daiyu finished their late night meal and quickly went back home.

 Soon both Shotaro and Daiyu finished their late night meal and quickly went back home

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Not knowing what else to do, they both decided to hang out in Shotaros room. Shotaro sat on the bed as Daiyu did homework in his desk. Feeling suffocated by the awkward silence, Shotaro spoke up.

"You know I hated you for a long time." Shotaro suddenly blurted out breaking the silence. Daiyus head rose and looked at him.

"Wow what a nice way to put it..." Daiyu responds sarcastically.

"No don't get me wrong, I like you now. It's just... when did you realize you liked me?" Shotaro asked. Daiyu had to think for a second before responding.

"Not sure... I think during art when I was sketching you." Daiyu smiles to herself remembering that day. "But then again after that you started acting like a bratty kid towards me so i'm not sure." Shotaro chuckled. Daiyu stretches her arm and joins Shotaro sitting in front of him on the bed.

"By the way, can I have that back?" Shotaro moves closer to Daiyus face making her back up flustered.

"H-have what?" Her eyes stared at Shotaro who was now inches from her face.

"My hoodie.." Daiyu pouts in disappointment. She unzipped the hoodie and threw it at him.
"Thanks it was getting cold." He put the hoodie on and looked at Daiyus sulky face.

"Whatever i'm going to sleep." Daiyu stood up to leave. Shotaro laughed as he quickly grabs her wrist pulling her back to the bed.

"Ok i'm sorry i'm sorry." Daiyu looks at Shotaro expecting him to give the hoodie back.
"I'm not giving it back why you looking at me like that." Daiyu scoffs and turns her body towards him.

"I don't even want it back!" She says while rolling her eyes at him.

"I'm bored can you talk to me until I get tired?" Shotaro ask.

"What do you wanna talk about then?"

"Anything ."

And so the two talk about literally everything you can think of. It ranged from talking about the meaning of life and how life came to be to how much they hated each other when they first met. Preoccupied by their lengthy conversation, they hadn't realized how many hours had passed.

A small yawn from Daiyu interrupted Shotaros sentence. She rubbed her eyes while forcing them open trying to keep herself awake.

"Tired?" Shotaro ask. She nodded her head.
"Go to your room and sleep it's late."

"Ok, goodnight Taro." Daiyu waved goodbye to Shotaro as she walks out of the room making her way to her own room where she fell asleep almost immediately.

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