chapter 14

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"Don't go."

Daiyu looked up in confusion.

"What are you talking about, let go." She tried pulling her wrist away from his grasp but he suddenly dragged her away. "Wait wait where are we going??".

Daiyu kept trying to let herself free but she just let him pull to wherever he needed.

"What the hell do you want?!" Daiyu asked a bit annoyed. Bomin must be waiting for me. Daiyu thought
"Don't meet Bomin ok?" Shotaro said

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" She said. "Look, I don't like him, he's suspicious ok so just don't hang around him."

"How is he suspicious? He's literally done nothing suspicious towards me or you, tell me why he is suspicious." Daiyu said while raising her voice.

"Look it's just, I don't have a reason just don't hang with him!" Daiyu scoffed at his weak response.

"You don't even have a reason... you can't just call someone suspicious with no reason. I'm gonna go meet up with him. Don't follow me." Daiyu walked away from him not looking back. The nerve this kid has...

Daiyu arrived at the library and saw Bomin sitting at the spot she normally sits

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Daiyu arrived at the library and saw Bomin sitting at the spot she normally sits. She quickly fixed her hair and clothes and walked over.

"Hey Bomin! Sorry I kept you waiting." She said while sitting down next to him.

"No it's ok! I just got here too." He said while smiling. "So should we get started?" Daiyu said indicating to the book. He put down the book and looked at her.

"I don't feel like reading today. Let's go get something to eat." Bomin said while putting down his book. Daiyu agreed and they went to the mini convenience store that was connected in the school.

Her and Bomin grabbed an ice cream cone. They went to the cashier to pay afterwards. Bomin started pulling out his wallet until Daiyu stopped him.

"No no no, I'll pay!" Daiyu said while pushing his hand down. She took out her credit card and paid. The two left to go eat the ice cream in the schoolyard.

"I'll treat you to something tastier than this next time to pay you back." Bomin said. Daiyu smiled thinking about it, would that be our first date? She thought

"Really? I look forward to that day." Daiyu said.

"Oh Daiyu I have a question." Bomin said.
"Yea what is it?" Daiyu asked while looking at him curiously.

"Are you close with the nct dream members?" He asked. Daiyu couldn't literally tell him she was living with them.

"No we're not close why?" Daiyu replied.

"Well I saw you walking with Shotaro and Jaemin this morning." He said while looking a bit disappointed.

"No it's not like that! We just happened to be walking with each other." She said.

"Well Jaemin and your friend Ningning were urging me to get away from you, why is that?" He asked a bit sadly.

"Oh that um.. I don't know, but don't worry me and Jaemin aren't close like that." Daiyu said reassuring Bomin. He smiled and they talked for the rest of the free period.

*Bell Rings*

"Awh, the period is already over? That was so fast..." Daiyu said while looking at him sadly.

"Don't worry, how about at the end of the day I walk you home?" Bomin said. She knew couldn't have him figure out where she lives.

"No you don't have to do that! I take the bus anyways and have a part time to go to." Daiyu said. Then she saw Ningning running up to her.

"So this is where you were the whole time? You don't hang out with me anymore..." Ningning gave Bomin an annoyed stare. "Let's go." She said sternly as she harshly pulled Daiyu away from Bomin. Daiyu waved goodbye to Bomin.

"Why do you seem so mad, what happened?" Daiyu asked as she sped walked to our class. She then abruptly stopped and looked at her.

"What happened? What happened is I keep asking myself "Am I even your friend anymore?" You barely tell me what's going on and you're taking our only times to see eachother to hang out with that scumbag. You know I don't have any other friends besides you and you still decide to not hang out with me!" Ningning said visibly upset.

"It's only been one day I decided to hang out with him, why are you-"

"No actually that's not even all. You never tell me what's going on in your life anymore! I went by your house to drop off your notebook you left at school and the place was vacant! How are you gonna ask why I feel like this when you've done nothing but keep secrets from me! And during lunch also, all of nct dream sat next to us and you didn't say nothing about that!" Ningning said now yelling. Some people started staring in the hallways and even stopped walking to watch.

"Ningning, i'm not trying to keep secrets from you it's just..." Daiyu made eye contact with Shotaro who was alongside Sungchan. It was so hard to have to keep everything in but Daiyu knew she couldn't tell her. For the sake of her and Shuhua.

"Nothing huh. I thought we promised we would never keep secrets from each other. For years we told each other everything and why now you all of a sudden you can't tell me anything. Is it cause you have new friends? Is it cause you're talking to a boy?" Ningnings mouth trembled and on the verge of tears as she said that.

"Ning can you say that so easily... you are my only friend I have. I just can't tell you anything right now. I'm sorry I really can't say anything.. There's so much I want to tell you it's just-" Daiyu said choking on her words almost breaking down in tears.

"Forget it. I don't wanna hear it." Ningning said. She looked at Daiyu with the utmost disappointment and hatred in her face. She then walked away leaving the confused girl in the hallways.

Daiyu looked down and cried silently, she notice people watching. They started whispering, glaring, as they judged her from head to toe. All that Daiyu could think about was how much she fucked up. All she could think about was how much Ningning was hurt. Daiyu felt overwhelmed by everyone, she was a terrible friend, how would I face her, how would I explain.

Daiyu felt someones arm land on my shoulder as they brought me somewhere quiet with no one else around.

"Yeh Daiyu, are you ok?"

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