chapter 13

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      Yeh Daiyu absolutely hated staying in bed all day, all she did was sleep and eat. Kun told me her she would get discharged tomorrow but it's been 3 days already.

      "Here, your food." Shotaro said while walking through the door.

He's been bringing Daiyu food but that's all, he kinda just comes and goes. Daiyu has however been keeping up with her studies, luckily, Bomin has been sending her his notes during class through messages so that I could keep up with the class. He's so sweet <3.

*Phone rings*

*Clears throat*
"Oh, hi Bomin."

"Hey Daiyu, how are you feeling?"

(Jaemin walks in the room)

"I'm actually gonna get discharged tomorrow!"

"Oh really! That's great, I really miss you Daiyu, have you been keeping up with the book we started together."

(Daiyu felt her cheeks get hotter as she pressed her hand against them, 'he said he misses me'. she smiles and then replied.)

"Yea I have been keeping up, I'm on chapter 30 right now, I might be a little ahead. what Also, I miss you too Bomin.."

(She noticed Jaemin make an annoyed face at her, she tried shooing him away but he just sat in the chair staring at her with a "are you done talking?" face)

"Oh you're on chapter 30? I'm only on chapter 15... I'll make sure to catch up quick, how about we both be on chapter 35 when we see each other again?"

"Yea Ill make sure to do that!"

"Oh by the way, what hospital are you at? I wanna bring you something."

(Fuck... i'm not at a hospital i'm at NCT headquarters)

"Bring me something? Oh you don't have to do that Bomin.

"Awh but I want to, just tell me where, I wanna see you."

(Daiyu smiled cheekily and looked down blushing even harder. She bit my lip to contain my laughter.)

"Whatever it is you can bring to me tomorrow, the doctor says I can't have visitors i'm sorry."

"Oh...well then I'll give them to you tomorrow. I'm gonna go now Daiyu, bye!!"

"Bye Bomin see you tomorrow!"

Daiyu ended the call and squealed while smiling. She kicked her legs and sighed.
"It was that Bomin bastard wasn't it?" Jaemin said making an annoyed face.

Daiyu sighed dreamingly while smiling and looking forward.
"He said he misses me!!" Daiyu covered her face with the blanket and started smiling like an idiot.

"What a joke..." Jaemin mumbled. Daiyu shot up, "hm? what did you say?" she asked.

"Don't hang around him, he's suspicious." Jaemin said.

"Suspicious? How is he suspicious." She asked.

"Just don't hang around him, i'll make sure he doesn't approach you." Jaemin said while raising his voice slightly.

"Why are you getting so mad..." Daiyu asked.

"Just don't hang around him Daiyu!!" Jaemin snapped then slammed the door while leaving.
What's up with him?

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