chapter 10

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"Ning Yizhuo, Yeh Daiyu."
      Yeh Daiyu mentally cursed at herself and turned around where Shotaro and Jeno were sitting.

"Hello." She said while smiling awkwardly and slightly waving.

      "Why do you keep avoiding us? Did you do maybe do something?" Daiyu heard Shotaro say behind her.

"NO! No I would never do anything like that I swear! Ning knows I didn't say anything right Ning?"


"Let's have a good school day alright, Yeh Daiyu?"
Shotaro said while patting her shoulder with a fake smile.

"Hey by the way, what is your problem with me? Why do you keep calling me Yeh Daiyu and not just Daiyu?" Daiyu asked Shotaro.

"I have no respect for you that's why." Shotaro said with absolutely no trace of emotion on his face.

       "Alright hello class!" The art teacher came in greeting all the students and they all said hello back

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"Alright hello class!" The art teacher came in greeting all the students and they all said hello back. "I have a new assignment to do and this one includes partners." As soon as Daiyu and Ningning heard
'partner' they immediately held hands.

"And before you guys choose your partners, i'm actually assigning them." Daiyu and Ningning looked at each other sadly.

"Does this mean.." Ningning said. Daiyu nodded her head sadly.

"The partners is whoever is sitting behind you."

Behind me? That means...

"Yeh Daiyu! Guess what!!" Daiyu heard Shotaro say. She hesitantly turned around seeing Shotaro smile with a hint of evilness in his eyes. i'm fucked.

"Hello what's your name?" She heard Ningning say.
"I'm Jeno". Ningning awkwardly smiled and looked away.

"is he also your friend?" Ningning asked in Chinese. "No he's not I barely even know him" Daiyu replied.

"Ok class so your assignment is to sketch your partners from shoulder up. I'll give you until next Thursday to turn in your drawings." The teacher said.

Thursday is a few days away, I think it's enough time. Daiyu thought. She grabbed my supplies and turned her chair to face Shotaro.

      "I'm not good at drawing." Shotaro said with a frown.

"Just try your best, the teacher doesn't grade off how good it is, he grades off if you tried your hardest or not." Daiyu told Shotaro. She then started beginning her sketch simply by sketching the shape of his face and all.

      "I need to work on your eyes so stay still for a second." Daiyu had to admit, Shotaro has extremely pretty eyes. She started with the top of the eye lightly sketching. Every few seconds she would turn to get a good look.

       Daiyu lifted her pencil in the air and traced his facial features. She closed one eye and lined her pencil up with his face. He looked so... not bad

*thump thump*

*thump thump*

What the hell is my heart doing.
It feels like it's doing backflips or something.

Shotaro was confused. Why isn't she doing anything? He thought.

      "What are you doing?" Shotaro asked. She looked up at him.

What's wrong with me? What were you thinking Daiyu did something take over your brain or what? Daiyu slapped herself softly. Come back to your senses what the hell were you just thinking Daiyu.

      *clears throat* "Um yea i'm almost done with your eyes." She looked away and just continued sketching.

      Daiyu turned back around and just started sketching again. Soon after class was coming to an end so she put her sketch safely away.

      "Daiyu do you think you can sketch yourself for me? I don't wanna do it." Shotaro suddenly asked her.

"Huh? No I can't do that you have to do it yourself. Go watch videos or something on how to." Shotaro rolled his eyes and left the classroom.

"What's with him, is he on his period or something" Daiyu asked herself.

"Daiyu what do you wanna do? Wanna go get something to eat quickly?" Ningning asked her.

"Sorry Ning, I think i'm gonna go to the library, you can tag along if you want." Ningning pouted at her.

"You're always doing anything but hanging out with me, fine go to the library see if I care!" Ningning yelled and just stomped out the door. What's up with her?

      Daiyu arrived at the library and went to her favorite corner with all the books she liked. She put her bag down on the table and went to the bookshelf.

There was this one specific book she really wanted to read but they just HAD to put it all the way at the top of the bookshelf.

Daiyu searched around for a stool she could use but couldn't find any. Everyone was busy studying or sleeping and Daiyu didn't want to disturb anyone so she had to take matters into my own hands.

      Daiyu is not very tall, which is a big disadvantage for a book reader. She went on her tippy toes and stretched her arms as far as they can go.

She was basically touching the book until she accidentally pushed it even farther. Daiyu went back down, sighed and stretched again. I'm not leaving till I get this stupid book. She thought.

Daiyu went closer to the bookshelf and tried reaching farther, her finger was basically grazing the book, she couldn't go any farther until a hand came up and grabbed the book.

      "Oh I wanted to read that." Daiyu said.
    "You look like you needed help, here." He handed the book to Daiyu, she froze. Who is this guy, He is so pretty. Who is he?

"Oh, thank you so much!" She said, she grabbed the book and looked back up at him.
"Are you new? I've never seen you in this school." He smiled. Even his smile is perfect,  is he an angel or something?

      "My name is Choi Bomin, and yes, i'm new I just came today actually." It's like a scene from kdramas, oh fuck he's attractive, what do I do?! I look stupid just standing here. Daiyu panicked in her thoughts trying to figure out what to say to this attractive person.

"Oh my name is Yeh Daiyu nice to meet you." She said. He looked at the book she was holding,

"You like these kind of books too?" He asked.

"Oh yea I really like mystery books, you enjoy  reading also?" Daiyu asked.

"Yea I really enjoy reading actually, it's my favorite hobby!"  Daiyu smiled happily

"Really? Me too! do you wanna read together?" Bomin smiled and agreed. He grabbed the same book and they sat down next to each other. Daiyus stomach was full of butterflies, she turned to look at him while he was reading and just admired him.

They talked a bit and got to know each other. He was like, a gift sent by god. How could he fit my type so well? Daiyu thought.

The two kept reading in silence, and having small talks in between. It wasn't an awkward silence it was very comforting really.

*Bell Rings*

     "Awh I was just getting to the good part." Bomin said. "I hope I see you around a lot Daiyu, let's meet up again! Here's my number." Daiyu smiled.

"Yeah I look forward to meeting up!" She smiled and they said our goodbyes and left.

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