My Role Model is Gone

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*3 Months Later*


Mandy, Sonya, and Liv came into the locker room to find Cody sitting on the floor and crying when Mandy ran up to him.

Mandy: What's the matter honey?

Cody was shaking until he pointed at his phone which was on the floor until Liv came over and picked it up when she read it and she put her palm over her mouth and she joined Cody by his side.

Liv: I'm so sorry......

Sonya looked at it too and she began to cry with Cody when the two step siblings hugged onto each other and they started crying together as it choked up Sonya when she tried to talk.

Sonya: I know.... it's.... sickening.

Cody then got up and began hitting the lockers and trashing the room until Sonya had to wrestle him to the ground to calm him down when she just hugged him tightly and rested her head on top of his.

Cody: Why?! JUST FUCKING WHY?! I mean.... his fucking daughter was in that helicopter with him!

Sonya: Cody.... I know.... He couldn't stop it, You couldn't, I couldn't, hell, no one could stop it.

When Cody was starting to calm down, Mandy and Liv came over to comfort him too.

Liv: I know how much of a loss this is to you and of course the world Cody, but it was one of those situations where it just happened. The man died trying to protect his daughter, but he couldn't do anything to save both himself or her.

Mandy: I know how much he meant to you as a role model Cody. Trust me, we're just as shocked as you are and we're here mourning with you about this. Kobe was one of the greatest basketball players ever, but what happened today was just beyond tragic.

Cody:............... I still remember the day I accidentally ran into him when I was 18. We were both arriving to Staples Center and we accidentally bumped into each other and I apologized for it and he just smiled and welcomed me to the arena and we went our separate ways.

Sonya: Even when we talked to him for a bit back in October.

Cody: Yeah. It may've been brief, but yeah.

Mandy and Liv just hugged him as Cody kept crying.

Liv: I know we're still in the mourning stage right now, but tonight I suggest that you give it your all tonight and win the royal rumble.

Mandy: Kobe and Gigi are your guardian angels now. Use them to help you try and win tonight and go to Wrestlemania to take the title back from that beast.

Sonya: We believe in you Cody. Win this for the Bryants and we'll go back to LA and visit the memorial that his fans are making for him as we speak and do our part in showing tribute to him.

Cody: *sniffs* ............. OK......

Cody then got up from the floor along with the girls before they all went to catering to see more superstars who were also shocked, crying, comforting each other, and mourning over the loss of Kobe and Gianna Bryant.


The women's rumble had passed. Mandy, Liv, or Sonya didn't win it, but they got as far as they could have. Cody was currently wrestling in the men's rumble match when Drew had entered and got in the ring and Cody was in a corner of the ring after taking a beating from Brock until Ricochet low blowed Brock. Cody took advantage and used the skullbuster on Brock until Drew used the Claymore Kick and sent Brock over the top rope, eliminating him from the match as the crowd went nuts. After a few more entrants had entered, Cody was having trouble breathing again as he held his abdomen and began to crawl to a corner after AJ had accidentally kicked him in his chest where his lungs were at. Entry #21 was about to enter when the buzzer went off and Cody's head shot up when he heard the music of one of his childhood favorites started playing and he ran out.

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