A Secret Health Condition

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*2 Months Later*

Photographer: Ok now look into the camera and..... perfect.

Cody looked into the camera as the photographer took the picture. Cody was doing a photo shoot for an article he was doing for the next issue of muscle and fitness magazine when he deadlifted 300 pounds while the photographers were taking pictures of him.

Photographer: Ok Amanda and Gionna, go ahead and join him.

Mandy and Liv smirked when they took off their jackets and had some very tight clothes on that kind of turned on Cody a bit when they stepped in and they joined him when he was told to get in a push up position and Liv was guided to lay on top of his back when Cody was starting to do pushups with Liv on his back. Once that part was finished, Mandy was was instructed to let Cody pick her up as he military pressed Mandy and the pictures were being taken.  After a few more poses, the final set of pictures that were being taken were of all 3 of them together with Cody grasping their waists in Mandy's and Liv's hands on his chest and back.

Photographer: Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! Ok everyone, we're good to go for today! Thank you all so much!

The crew all dispatched and started putting all the equipment away while the girls got their jackets and Cody was about to put his shirt on until Liv stopped him.

Liv: Not yet Codes. I want a longer look.

Liv's mouth began to water until Mandy looked at her.

Mandy: Keep in mind that we're still in public? Cody, you can put your shirt on.

Liv: Aww..... you're no fun Amanda.

Mandy: What can I say?  We've got other places to be. Now come on, we gotta get showered up and pick up Daria for our interview.

Cody: Can't wait for that one.


Sonya: I'm so excited for our first interview together Cody! Excited?

Cody: Yeah.... I can't wait.

Sonya: Come here. I know you're nervous.

Sonya hugged her brother until they were called to do the interview for the local radio when it went on the air.

Max: And we're back on the air and here with me right now are WWE superstars, Cody Hatchett and Sonya Deville.

Sonya: Hi! Thanks for having us.

Max: Absolutely, now Cody, can you tell us what it's like to be wrestling with a family member by your side?

Cody: Well.... coming from a wrestling family and growing up with Sonya as a sparring partner, we would always be breaking the warnings that we were told not to recreate the moves from WWE, but stars like Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio got us inspired to do what we're doing now and we haven't looked back ever since.

Sonya: And yet no matter how many times we've broken each other's bones by either wrestling on each other's beds or in the middle of the living room, we still kept going for our dreams to get where we are now.

Cody and Sonya continued the interview and got into detail about the live event that was being held in Pittsburgh for Smackdown. After a few minutes, Cody's and Sonya's interview had finished when the two of them left the radio station and drove back to their hotel. Once Cody arrived to his room, there he saw his golden goddess in nothing, but her bra and underwear.

 Once Cody arrived to his room, there he saw his golden goddess in nothing, but her bra and underwear

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Life and Desire (OC x Mandy Rose x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now