Life With 2 Girlfriends

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*3 Months Later*

It was February of 2019 when the elimination chamber was being set up for the show. Cody walked out to the sight of the chamber and was really nervous for his step sister and his girlfriends due to them going against each other to determine the inaugural women's tag team champions. Even though he wasn't in the match, Cody wanted to get a feeling of what it's like to be inside the chamber when he stepped inside and took it all in until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Sonya: It's a surreal feeling isn't it?

Cody: Sure is. I still remember when we were at Madison Square Garden for the very first one. Remember?

Sonya: And we screamed so loud when Shawn Michaels won the world title? I remember it all. We must've been like only 10 when we went to that.

Cody: And on the anniversary, I got this.

Cody showed Sonya his wrist to show his Shawn Michael's heartbreak kid symbol tattoo.

Sonya: How come you always cover that up on tv?

Cody: Remember when I took some theater courses after I went back to Ventura for a couple of years? It's because there can be copyright issues with it. If it gets shown on tv or even in a movie without the artist's permission, the company who filmed it can get sued by them for using their work and I didn't get the artist's permission to use their work so that's why I hide it.

Sonya: Oh yeah. Now I remember because I got mine approved.

The two step siblings continued to talk until a producer came over to them.

Producer: Ok you two, we're ready to let the house in. Better get backstage.

Sonya grasped Cody's hand as they got up and got out of the chamber and began to walk backstage.

Sonya: Better get ready then. Mine, Amanda's, and Gionna's match is first.

Cody: And mine is second. I better go find them before the show starts.

Sonya: I'll text you where we'll be at when it's time.

Cody: Ok

Cody then kissed Sonya on her cheek and went to his locker room to get ready.


Cody had his ring gear on when he arrived to catering and watched his girlfriends going against each other. Suddenly, Liv was in Nia's grasp when Nia used the samoan drop on her as Nia got the three count and eliminated Liv and Sarah.

Cody: No! Alright come on sis! Come on Amanda! I know you can do it!

Liv and Sarah came backstage and found Cody watching the rest of the match when Liv ran up to him and kissed him.

Sarah: Enjoy him Gionna.

Sarah walked away to the locker room when Liv sat on Cody's lap and watched the rest of the match with him.

Cody: You did terrific baby.

Liv: Now let's see what happens with Daria and Amanda.


Cody and Liv were on the edge of their seat when it was down to Boss and Hug Connection and Fire and Desire. It was only Sonya and Sasha in the ring when Sasha was struggling to get the banks statement locked in which gave Cody some hope for his step sister until his hopes got crushed when Sasha got the banks statement locked in and Sonya tapped out. Cody felt devastated to see them lose when Liv held his head in her arms.

Liv: I'm sorry....

Cody: It's not your fault Gionna. They did the best they could.

After a few minutes, Mandy and Sonya came backstage and found you and Liv when Mandy walked up and planted her lips onto Cody's when he got up and held her in his arms and kissed Mandy passionately.

Life and Desire (OC x Mandy Rose x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now