I Saw Them

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*2 Months Pass*

Cody was in the bathroom at his and his girlfriends's hotel room in Florida where he was puking again, but for a different reason when Liv came in to check on him as he started to unusually cough more and more by the second.

Liv: Babe? Are you sure you don't want me to help you?

Cody: Don't come any closer! I don't want you to get sick too after what I've been seeing all over social media about the world.

Liv nodded and left the bathroom and went to join Mandy in the room where they were watching updates on what was going on in the world.

Liv: He's still throwing up and coughing so much.

Mandy: Do you think he might have it?

Liv: What?

Mandy: This virus that's spreading around in multiple places?

Liv: Only one way to find out....

Liv got on her phone and set up an appointment with a doctor for Cody.


After a swab was put up Cody's nose and taken for testing, Mandy and Liv waited with him in the doctor's office away from him as they all had surgical masks on when the doctor came in with the instant test and he too had a surgical mask on.

Doctor: I'm sorry to say this Mr. Hanson.... but you have tested positive for COVID-19 and your asthma has gone off the charts.

Cody wa scared and freaking out a little bit when Liv was about to comfort him until Mandy stopped her and the doctor attempted to calm him down.

Doctor: We're gonna have to take preliminary caution and get you to a hospital as soon as we can.

Cody: What about Amanda and Gionna? Can you test them as well?

Doctor: We already have. They both tested negative for the virus and they're fine. For now, we need to transfer you to the medical facility across the street as of now.

Cody looked over at Mandy and Liv in which Liv was crying while Mandy tried calming her down before he nodded and everything was being moved to the hospital. Before Cody had to go in, he looked over at them one last time and blew them both a kiss.


Mandy: We'll all FaceTime you tonight! We love you!

Liv: We love you Cody!

Cody was then admitted into the hospital when he started coughing again and coming down with a fever.


Triple H: HE WHAT?!

Mandy and Liv were updating Triple H and Started of what happened to Cody.

Mandy: I don't want to believe it, but it's true.

Stephanie: We need to test all of our superstars and staff, now!

Both of them started getting the doctors and medical team together and the whole WWE locker room were all called to come near catering where Sonya met with Mandy and Liv.

Sonya: What's going on? Where's Cody?

Mandy updated Sonya what happened when she leaned in and started crying into Mandy's shoulder.

Sonya (muffled): OH NO!

Mandy hugged onto Sonya and she began to cry as well, but were quickly separated due to the testing that had to be done and luckily, Sonya tested negative as the whole WWE locker room were being tested along with staff and crew.

Life and Desire (OC x Mandy Rose x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now