Eatin' ain't Cheatin' (Small Lemon)

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A/N: Just wanna clear up some things, timeline wise. This story takes place in late 2018, so don't come at me with all of these questions about the timeline of this story please. Sound good? GREAT! Now for the next chapter :)

Cody woke up to the feeling of kisses going from his face to his neck. Once he opened his eyes, he looked up to see a familiar blonde while she looked down on him with her bright blue eyes and bright smile.

Cody: Goodmorning.

Mandy: Goodmorning.

Mandy kept kissing him until Cody pressed his lips onto hers and admired her presence.

Cody: Was last night ok?

Mandy: Great actually. You were really good last night.

Mandy kept kissing him until she reached his neck and he began to whimper a bit.

Mandy: Ohhh. Did I find a sweet spot?

Mandy went back to kissing his neck while Cody whimpered again and enjoyed every second of it. Suddenly, Mandy backed away from his neck and kissed him on his lips.


Mandy: Come on, let's get some breakfast.

Without wasting any time, Cody and Mandy got up and got dressed before heading down to the breakfast hall. Once they loaded their plates up with food, they sat down at a nearby table and began to eat and talk.

Cody: Did you have any plans for today?

Mandy: Not really, just gonna go for a workout and go with you and Daria for the movie today.

Cody: Oh yeah. Last night really scrambled up my mind.

Mandy: Can we.... talk about last night?

Cody: What about it?

Mandy held his hand and looked into his eyes before she was about to confess something that she's hidden for a while.

Mandy: If I'm being honest, I've had my eyes on you for a while now. What I said in the club wasn't what I meant to say when you asked me out. I was so nervous when you asked me and I didn't want to hurt you in any way if I said no. When we were in NXT, I noticed you when you walked fast to your locker room and..... I thought it was kind of cute.

At this point, Cody's face turned a bright red while his mind was in a bit of confusion.

Cody: R- really?

Mandy: Yeah.

Cody started turning more red when Mandy got up and sat on his lap until they heard a voice.

Sonya: Oh... my... god...

Cody and Mandy looked up and saw her standing there with a huge smile on her face to see her step brother and her bestfriend embracing each other.

Sonya: I knew that you guys would get together!

Cody: Easy there sis! It's only been one date.

Sonya: Didn't sound like the first date from the noises I heard last night.

Cody: Oh dear god! You heard us?

Sonya: Almost every sound, Amanda sounded like she enjoyed it.

Mandy: He was so sweet to me last night that I wanted to help him build his confidence.

Sonya: By having sex?

Mandy: No, to show all of those guys that picked on him in the past on what he now has.

Life and Desire (OC x Mandy Rose x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now