A Chance with Mandy

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Cody woke up to pink hair all over his face when he felt someone holding him. He looked over and saw Liv, holding onto him like a koala. He didn't say anything as he carefully slid out from her grasp and put his clothes on before writing her a quick note and left her room after placing the note on her nightstand.

Cody then walked downstairs to the breakfast hall and got some food as he sat down and came across a news article that involved him, Sonya, Mandy, and Liv from the previous night until a familiar voice called out his name.

Sonya: Codes!

Cody looked up to see Sonya walk up to where he was sitting as she set her plate if food down and joined her step brother for breakfast.

Sonya: How'd you sleep?

Cody: Alright. I'm just confused about last night.

Sonya: What happened?

Cody: Well...... Gionna seems to be attracted to me and I don't know if she's trying to flirt with me or if she's just trying to get at me.

Sonya: Do you like her?

Cody: Kind of, but I don't know if we'd make a good couple. I honestly don't think I should be around her because she looks like she's trying to get after me.

Sonya: Cody. You're going in a downward spiral again. It's ok. I know you're confused, but just remember that she got drunk last night. We all did in a way. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll realize what she did and it'll probably be put behind us.

Cody: I don't know what to do though. I mean, she's kind of cute, but I honestly don't think she'll like me back.

Sonya: All I can say is, see where this goes. Besides, she kind of likes you a lot already.

Mandy: Hey you guys.

Mandy set her plate of food on the table and sat down next to Cody.

Mandy: Did you see the rumors about us this morning?

Cody: More than enough.

Sonya: Yeah. Leeches like them don't know half the stuff about us, but want to write and spread lies about the superstars.

Mandy: We don't have to worry about that right now, what were you guys planning on doing today?

Cody: I actually have a charity event to go to.

Mandy: Really? What is for?

Sonya: Maybe we should surprise her Cody. Maybe even bring Gionna with us.

Cody: Sure... if she wants to go.

Mandy: I'm excited to find out!

Sonya: Just don't wear your street shoes because they'll get ruined if so.

Mandy: Why would they get ruined?

Cody: You'll see. Meet us at the car in 30 minutes.

They all finished their breakfast and went back to their rooms to change. Since Cody was staying in Liv's room, he put on some desert boots when Liv wondered where they were going.

Liv: So where are we going again?

Cody: You'll see. You're gonna be amazed.

Liv was skeptical at first, but she went with it when she put on Cody's spare set of desert boots and met up with Mandy and Sonya at the car.


Time went by as Sonya then pulled up to the Portland zoo while Mandy had a look of wonder on her face.

Life and Desire (OC x Mandy Rose x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now