Surprise Debut

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Cody was about to make his official debut onto the main roster for Smackdown Live. After 4 years of training and wrestling all over the states, Europe, and Japan, Cody was finally living his dream of becoming a WWE superstar. After he got his ring gear on, Cody exited his locker room and made sure that he quietly got to the gorilla as he wanted to surprise his sister, Sonya Deville. It had been over a year since Cody and Sonya last saw each other, but tonight was when that was going to change. Cody waited for his que as his opponent, Andrade, waited in the ring. Once Andrade's music cut, it was now his cue.

Announcer: And now.... for the official debut of the newest superstar.


Sonya watched from the back with her bestfriend, Mandy Rose, as they decided to stay a little bit longer to watch the latest call up from NXT.

Mandy: Do you think he'll be any good?

Sonya: We'll have to wait and see.

Suddenly, the lights went out as a theme song began to build up when all of a sudden, "Feed the Wolf" by Breaking Benjamin started playing and the screen revealed the name, "Cody Hatchett" as the crowd went berserk before the lights came back on. Sonya gasped as she looked at the screen in shock to see an all too familiar face.

Mandy: Daria? What is it?

Sonya: ......... that's my brother.....

*Back to the Ring*

Cody stood up on the top turnbuckle and did his signature pose before hopping down and taking off his overcoat before the match started. Once the bell rang, Cody and Andrade locked up and began the match while the crowd chanted Cody's name. After 15 minutes, Andrade tries to end the match, but Cody countered as he went for his finishing move, "The Skull Buster," as it successfully connected and he covered Andrade to get the 3 count and win the match. The crowd cheered as Cody stood tall and celebrated his victory.


Sonya cheered as she watched her brother win his first match on the main roster before she got up from her chair.

Mandy: Where are you going?

Sonya: Going to find my brother. Wanna come with me?

Mandy: Sure.

Sonya and Mandy then went off to find Cody. It didn't take them long to find him as he came up walking in their direction. When Cody looked up to see two women walking in his direction and immediately recognized one of them, he stopped dead in his tracks.

Cody: Daria?

Sonya: Hi Cody...

Suddenly, Cody and Sonya ran up to each other and got in a full embrace as Cody picked her up and spun her around. After letting go, Sonya pressed her forehead onto Cody's as she hugged him some more before looking into his eyes.

Sonya: I missed you so much bro.

Cody: I did too sis.

Sonya put her hand on his cheek and kissed his forehead.

Sonya: I'm so happy that you're here!

Cody: It feels good to be here. How's Ariana?

Sonya: She's perfect!

Mandy: You two do realize I'm still here right?

Sonya: Oh. Sorry Amanda. This is my brother, Cody. Cody, this is Amanda, my bestfriend.

Cody: Hi

Mandy: Nice to meet you Cody. Daria never told me that she had a brother.

Cody: I umm.... usually don't.... get recognized that often.

Life and Desire (OC x Mandy Rose x Liv Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now