𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Riley POV
~we finally got to the hospital after what felt like an eternity. I hoped my sister wasn't really gone she was truly my best friend. I couldn't even imagine how Jaden felt or even how Greyson would feel~
*we walked into the hospital and went straight to the nurses station*
Jaden: hi I am here for my wife Madison Lewis Hossler
Nurse: alright let me look her up in the computer
*her eyes went wide*
Nurse: I'll be back I need to talk to the doctor
Jaden: oh uh ok
*she walked away. Eight minutes later she came back with a doctor who was holding a box*
Doctor: hi are you Mr. Hossler
Jaden: yes
Doctor: *pointing to me* and who are you
Riley: I'm her sister Riley Lewis
Doctor: alright

*back at the house with Sophie and Greyson*
Sophie POV
*she had just put Greyson to sleep now she put on an episode of criminal minds. She wondered what had happened to her sister in-law they had a close bond. She knew it would break Jaden's heart if she was dead. Sophie would never forget Jaden's first breakup. Jaden and this girl her name was Jessie had been dating for like two years when he found out she had cheated on him multiple times. He never suspected it because he was so in-love with her but a week before their Junior year semi-formal he found her at a party with a guy they were hooking up. The guys name was Jared. Jared the same one that was Jadens child hood best-friend. Jaden ran out of that house and came home crying. The next day Jessie called to tell him that she was sorry but she had been with many guys while in a relationship with him. The phone call ended in them breaking up. That same day Jaden changed to online school. He didn't want to see Jessie in school after their breakup. He wouldn't leave his room for three whole weeks. He wouldn't leave not even to eat. He had his own bathroom in his room so his parents hoped he kept a good hygiene and did his school work. The family became worried but after three weeks he came out and ate. Amy his mother learned he had self harmed while in his room but promised he wouldn't do it again. Like a month later after he started leaving his room and house again he met Madison and they became inseparable. And the rest of their love story is history.*

*at the hospital*
Jaden POV
Jaden: so doctor is my wife ok
Doctor: I am sorry Mr. Hossler but your wife has passed away here is a box of her belongings that were found at the crash scene. Police officer said they would like to talk to you tomorrow at 9 am sharp.
*He looked at the doctor with tears as the doctor handed him the box. Jaden grabbed the box a little harsh*
Jaden: can we at-least see her
Doctor: I am sorry she is already in a body bag
*more tears fell from Jadens face*
~Riley POV~
*Riley face was filled with shock and sadness. Riley couldn't believe her beloved sister was gone. Riley decided she would drive home because she didn't want Jaden driving in his condition. She grabbed Jadens arm as she lead him out of the hospital into his car. They got in the car and Jaden started sobbing uncontrollably.*
*Riley sat in the parking lot for little while Jaden cried. She knew he didn't want his son to see him like that. It was about an hour later of sitting in the parking lot and Riley finally spoke up after just trying to calm Jaden down.*
Riley's POV
~I loved my sister so much and I was terribly sad I had to break the news to my family that there sister, daughter, niece, cousin, and grand daughter had died. I tried to stay strong for Jaden because after all they had a different love. Jaden and Mads had a love, a love that went on forever and forever, a love that was through think and thin, a love that was through sickness and health. Every relationship has their problems and they did but after it was always full love on both sides. They were the kind of love I wanted. They were endgame. But apparently that love didn't last as long as I thought it would. I had love for my sister yes but it was a different love it was a sisterly love. It was the love that supported and cared for each other. But for now I had to put my feelings away and be there for Jaden how ever much i wanted to cry he needed someone right now and that someone was me.~
*Jaden breathing became more and more spaced out*
Riley: hey calm down okay breath for me okay lets do a breathing exercise alright
*Jaden nodded it felt hard for him to get his words out. His throat felt blocked*
Riley: okay ready in one, two, three, four, five, six ok hold one, two, three, four, and out one, two, three, four, five, six and again in one, two, three, four................
*Jaden followed Riley's directions and after a couple breathing exercises his breathing was back to normal*
Riley: okay is that better
Jaden: yeah thank you I don't know what was happening
Riley: it's okay I think it was just an panic attack
*Jaden looked at Riley wide eyed*
Riley: she told me about it
*Riley was referring to the fact that Mads had mentioned Jaden would get panic attacks every once in a while.*
Riley: do you want me to drop you off at the house while I go to parents house to tell them
Jaden: no i think its only right I go with you.
Riley: but you have to be up at 9 because the police want to see you
Jaden:its okay I want to go I know I won't be able to sleep anyways
Riley: alright
*they headed to San Diego where the Lewis household was. Jaden called Sophie to let her know he was leaving*
Jaden: hey soph
Sophie: hey what's up
Jaden: Can I ask you a huge favor
Sophie: Sure what is it
Jaden: can you stay with Greyson overnight. you can make yourself comfortable in the guest room
Sophie: sure where are you going to be
Jaden: we are going to Tiffany and David's now (those are going to be Mads parents name for the story)
Sophie: does that mean
Jaden: yeah she's um gone
Sophie: oh Jaden I am so sorry
Jaden: well I gotta go now but take care of Greyson for me please
Sophie: ok also I don't have work tomorrow so let me know if you want me to stay with him for longer
Jaden: alright I'll let you know thank you
Sophie: no problem take care little bro
Jaden: you too
*call ended*
Riley: everything okay
*she noticed his eyes watering*

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