𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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~Jill's POV~
-two moths later-
*things had changed a lot in Jill's life. For example her and Kio were now f*uck buddies. Noyone knew not even their closest friends or house mates. Everyone was always used to them being so close so they never asked questions. Jill decided after a moth to move into the sway house. After having a game night with everyone but Jaden per usual they had all gotten to know her better. By the end of the night Avani and Anthony came up to her and apologized. They truly felt bad as after really talking with Jill they realized she really did just want the best for Greyson. And after that one day in the car Jill never heard from Jaden. As much as she tried to talk to him he never returned the energy. He would make up and excuse and say he had to do something or simply walk away. She had noticed it was nearly impossible to find him in the house recently. She also was starting to notice it had an effect on the group. But today was the day of Sophie's wedding in which Jill was a part of. She was a bridesmaid in her bestfriends wedding. Unfortunately noyone accompanied her to the wedding. All of her friend were either busy or already invited. Kio was her last hope but he had some sponsorship that was paying him good so he couldn't miss it. Plus he had already signed a contract. Jill decided even though noyone had accompanied her it would still be a fun night. After all it was her bestfriends wedding. Sophie and all her bridesmaids had gotten ready together and taken lots and lots of pictures. It finally came time to walk down the aisle.*
~ I was so happy for my bestfriend. She looked so happy. I remember when she first told me about Clayton. She couldn't wait to get married now the day is here. I hope one day I have something like this. She looks so happy and so gorgeous. She literally looks like Cinderella. I hoped their relationship went well for them. Especially in this new chapter in life.~
*The wedding was a little bit of a mess. There was no rehearsal dinner so the kids that were in the wedding one of them being Greyson were all running around like crazy. Or they were doing something wrong.*
-I could tell Sophie wasn't too happy about that but hey you have to remember something has to make your wedding day unique from the rest.-
*After the actual ceremony everyone headed to a venue where the reception was held. Anyone who had participated in the wedding was going to take a limo. The bridesmaids had to link arms with a groomsman and walk to the limo. But it wasn't just any groomsman you had to go in order. First went the newly married couple. then went the maid of honor with the best man. And after that went the next bridesmaid in line with the next groomsmen in line. When I was in the front of the line I finally saw who I would have to walk with.*
~I was mortified when I saw his face. Out of all the men there it had to be him. But I remembered this was my bestfriends wedding so I had to keep my cool and not ruin her day.~
*When it was time we linked arms and walked to the limo*
~The short walk to the limo felt like an eternity. It felt like I was walking a marathon. My heart had started pounding out of my chest. But when we finally got the the limo and were able to disconnect our arms it stopped I don't think I have ever felt so relieved. Something about him made my blood boil and made me want to yell at him but I had to hold my composure. I was still in shock that I had to walk with Jaden though.~
*When we got to the venue everyone went there separate ways. After a couple hours everyone was eating, dancing, and drinking. Jill had gotten up to get another drink. She went to the drink table and filled her glass with some fruit punch. As she was turning around to go back to her table someone bumped into her. It was non other than Jaden Hossler. Jill had been wearing a gorgeous rose gold satin v-neck dress. Jaden had spilled the punch on her chest and down the middle of her dress.*
Jaden: I'm so sorry
*He started trying to clean it with a napkin but instead was rubbing it in and touching your b**bs.*
Jill: Jaden stop it's fine I will just go get into my change of clothes
Jaden: are you sure
Jill: yeah
Jaden: can I do anything for you
Jill: just hold my drink please
Jaden: okay
*you left to on of the back rooms where your duffle bag was. You had packed a change of clothes just in case of something like this. You quickly changed and went back out. You checked the drink table but Jaden wasn't there anymore so you assumed he had gone back to his table. You went to go check at his table but he wasn't there.*
Jill: excuse me do you know where Jaden is
*The girl who was sitting there looked at Jill and rolled her eyes.*
??????: I don't know why you need my boyfriend but just stop
Jill: excuse me
??????: I saw you flirting with him at the drink table and he was touching your boobs
Jill: I am sorry what's your name
??????: that's none of your business who I am all you should need to know is to stop trying to get with my boyfriend
Jill: well for your information I am not trying to get your boyfriend he spilled my drink on me then I asked him to hold it now I need it back
Jaden: oh Jill there you are I was looking for you
??????: why exactly were you looking for her
Jill: like I said he had my drink
*Jill turned to face Jaden*
Jill: please give me my drink
*Jaden handed you the glass*
Jill: I am hoping it is not spiked
Jaden: of course not I protected it with my life
*you guys laughed while Jaden's girl friend scoffed*
Jill: thank you
Jaden: I mean your welcome but I owe you
*he side hugged you*
Jill: your lucky I had a change of clothes
*you both laughed then you went back to your table*

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