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~Jill's POV~
date: Saturday, Sept.28, Brunch with the girls
Sophie: so how's your weeks been
Mia: mine was good the salon was busy this week everyone wants a new look for fall I guess
*you all laugh*
Mia: what about yours Jill
Jill: ugh tiring I have this one student that won't do any work but still has so much energy he just runs around everywhere its driving me crazy especially because I am trying to teach the other kids
Sophie: he sounds like my nephew don't get me wrong I love him but he just has so much energy and my brother and sister in-law refuse to take him to a specialist I think he might have ADHD.
Mia: well didn't you say parent teacher conferences this week
Jill: yeah but how do you tell someone you think their kid has ADHD
Sophie: just say he has a lot of energy and doesn't do work and you think this is something they should work on at home like maybe getting all the energy out before school
Jill: your right it can't be that hard

date: Tuesday, October 1, Parent Teacher conference day
Madison: Hi I am supposed to be in room 206 for a parent teacher conference could you help me find it
Jill: this is it actually
Madison: oh good I am Madison Greyson's mom
Jill: nice to meet you I am Jill McClaire
Madison: Do mind if I call my husband he said he would come
Jill: oh sure
*Jill goes to another side of the room*
Madison: babe where are you
Jaden: sorry I got swarmed with paparazzi just start without me I will be a little late
Madison: fine but later tonight we need to have a serious talk
Jaden: ok I got to go now love you bye
*call ended*
Madison: Well looks like my husband won't be joining us
Jill: Oh if you want we could reschedule
Madison: no no its fine thank you he's just busy with work
Jill: ok then lets get started
Madison: ok
Jill: so Mrs. Hossler well Greyson's grades are a little low
Madison: okay do you think there is a specific reason for that
Jill: actually yes he doesn't really pay attention in class he prefers to run around I have had to send him to the office a couple times this week already
Madison: oh okay is there something you think I could do to help I don't want him distracting the other students
Jill: I think maybe trying to get some of the energy out in the morning like some running or something so he will be a little tired out when he gets to school
Madison: okay that's do able, Jaden and I will work on that
Jill: okay then I think that should help his grades as well
Madison: okay then Thank You Mrs. McClaire
Jill: no problem
*Madison went home*

~Madison's POV~
*Jaden walked through the door*
Jaden: hey babe where's Greyson
Madison: he's feed, showered, and asleep
Jaden: this early
Madison: Jaden it's almost 10 and he has to wake up early
Jaden: for what
Madison: his teacher said he doesn't pay attention and is always running around in class. So she recommend maybe getting some energy out of him before school so he will pay attention
Jaden: okay
Madison: Jaden I think we should get the ADHD test done
Jaden: no he's a little boy he's going to have a lot of energy
Madison: the teacher said he can be distractive sometimes this is starting to effect his grades
Jaden: well that teachers crazy she should be used to it she works with kids for gods sake
Madison: I don't know all I am saying is an ADHD test wouldn't hurt would it
Jaden: no end of discussion I am going to take a shower then go to bed I have had a long day
Madison: Jaden
*he left the room*

-one week later-
~Madison's POV~
*at school*
Jill: well I think the exercise has been working he has been paying attention more and got a good grade in his test yesterday
Madison: thats great
*Madison left while leaving Greyson there because he still had class*
*calling Jaden*
Madison: hey babe I am going to Hair by Chrissy to get my highlights touched up
Jaden: ok love you
Madison: love you too bye
*end call*
*she got to the salon*
Madison: hey Chrissy
*she hugged her*
Chrissy: hey so what are we doing in the hair today
Madison : just a touch up on the highlights
Chrissy: okay perfect want to do a before and after for tik tok
Madison : ofcourse
*they filmed the first part then did Madison's makeup and hair then did the last part and Madison was heading home because Riley Madison's sister had picked up Greyson. She called Jaden but he didn't answer*
The voicemail: hey babe wanted to let you know I am on my way I was wondering should I pick up food or do we need anything from the groccery store now that I am out. Well let me know as soon as possible because I am leaving the salon.
*Madison was making a left turn when she saw a red car coming her way then everything went black*

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