𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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~Jill's POV~
-time skip to Saturday-
*It was now Saturday and little by little you had started packing more of your apartment. You had finished Jaden's file it had lots of proof. You were still torn whether you would or wouldn't call CPS even if Jaden didn't sober up. Everyone in your life was saying don't. A bunch of sway had been texting you saying he wasn't sobering up but to please not call CPS. You were thinking about it because Greyson would also suffer but he also wasn't in a healthy environment. Even Jaden's sister Sophie had offered to take Greyson for awhile as long as long as you didn't call CPS.*
-flashback to earlier that day-
Sophie: please please please don't call them tomorrow
Jill: Soph you care about Greyson don't you
Sophie: of course I do
Jill: this is such a toxic environment for the poor kid it isn't fair to him
Sophie: I know but Jaden promised me he is getting better and I talked to Nessa and Josh and they said he has been sober since Thursday
Jill: he should have been sober since Monday
Sophie: come on Jill please don't call I will do anything I will take Greyson for a while if I have to
Jill: Soph no that is not fair to you, you have so much on your plate this is Jaden's problem
Sophie: but that's what family is for Jill please just give him an extra week and if he doesn't fully sober or spend time with Greyson than I will have no problem with you calling but I know Jaden is capable of changing with time
Jill: fine one week and I call one week Soph I better see changes
-back to present-
*the only person who hadn't seemed to want to convince you to not call was Jaden. Of course Greyson was clueless of what was happening and you didn't plan on telling him until actions were made. Right now you were waiting for your fuck buddie Parker. You guys were friends and pretty much only talked when one of you were horny. You had texted him early because you know a girl needed some dick and because once you moved into sway you probably wouldn't see him as much anymore. He had said he would meet you at your apartment at 6:30. You had decided to make some food. You were making pasta. You had a pink silk robe on to hide your lingerie. You heard a knock on the door.*
Jill: come in
*you assumed it was Parker. You had left the door open earlier incase he came while you were cooking but you had finished cooking a while ago and you were sitting on your countertop drinking a glass of red wine. You heard footsteps coming towards you but when you looked you saw someone you did not expect.*
Jill: Jaden what are you doing here
Jaden: I came to talk to you but it looks like you might be waiting for someone so I can go if you want
Jill: no no its fine would you like some wine
Jaden: what kind
Jill: red
Jaden: sure
*you poured him a glass and handed it to him*
Jaden: thanks
*he took a sip*
Jill: so what did you come here to talk about
Jaden: Greyson
*Jill sighed pretty loudly*
Jaden: look I know you don't want to hear this but please give me one more week I am already going two days sober I haven't smoked since Thursday
Jill: you've had since Monday and started on Thursday
Jaden: I was weening off of it I promise
Jill: Jaden I saw you Wednesday and you had gone for an early morning smoke
Jaden: so it was you
Jill: yes I dropped of the muffins
Jaden: what muffins
Jill: the coffee crumb and blueberry muffins
Jaden: oh yeah they were good thank you
Jill: mhm but back to the smoking Jaden you could and should be 6 days sober
Jaden: I know I know but you wouldn't know its hard having an addiction and this recently started I swear my life has just been stressful lately
Jill: okay talk to me about it right now
Jaden: right now
Jill: yes right here right now
Jaden: well my wife died and I have just been stressed with grieving like how fast should I be grieving I was at a strip club the other day and some paparazzi got some pictures and people were saying I was a hoe and all because I was supposedly grieving to quick. Like why can't I grieve in my own way
Jill: because your own way is unhealthy and hurting more people
Jaden: I know but its like I already cried about it I don't want to cry more I tried hoeing around it worked I had satisfaction and all but when I am doing that all I could think of is what are the fans going to say, what mads is probably looking down on me saying, and how the girl in-front of me used to be Mads and I feel wrong having sex with another girls its like disrespectful but then its like one of my best distractions other than smoking which everyone is checking on me every like 20 seconds making sure I am not doing it
Jill: as much as I love Mads and know how much it would hurt her to see you fucking around with girls and all I also know all Mads wanted in life was for you to be happy and I think she would be okay with knowing that you are getting better because I also know she wouldn't want you to always be sad. Or to loose Greyson
Jaden: thank you wait does that mean you won't call tomorrow
*by this time the wine bottle was almost empty you guys had kept drinking while talking. You got up and grabbed another bottle and poured yourself some as you had finished your glass.*
Jill: debating it a little more not for sure
Jaden: I guess that's better so tell me who you were waiting
Jill: I had a dick appointment hence the robe but he cancelled and your here
*Jaden smirked at you*
Jill: that's not what I meant I meant you got here so god bless he cancelled
Jaden: sure but I know you wanted the first option
Jill: I could and would never
*he got up from where he was sitting and stood in between your legs. He put one hand behind you and the other on your neck. he whispered into your ear*
Jaden: still don't want it
*your breathe got heavier*
Jill: a little more now yes
Jaden: that's what I thought
-the next morning-
*I woke up not remembering yesterday but I felt a body next to me I assume it was Parker he must have stayed over I remember he was supposed to come. I had a terrible headache. You rolled over and cuddled into the body next to you. You opened your eyes a little to see that the chest that you were laying on had a tattoo and the hands grabbing your ass were also tatooed and looked a lot like Jaden's. You slept with Jaden. You could tell damn well you were naked.*
~this must be some kind of dream or something I could not have slept with Jaden. I didn't want to move to wake him up so I just laid there. ~

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