𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖

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~Tiffany's POV~
*They all cried for a little each comforting eachother*
David: I remember when Mads and Jaden first met
Riley: so do I she came home and said "I met the love of my life"
David: yep and I remember saying "your a little young for that" but i was wrong
Aunt Mel: or how about at the wedding when she kissed Jaden before the priest said she could
Tiffany: and afterwards she said "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to"
*they all laughed*
Tiffany: I still remember a couple days before Grey's birth me and Nana had to teach her how to change a boys diaper so she didn't get pee in her face
Jaden: yeah then afterwards she was teaching me but I already knew my mom had mentioned it before but I couldn't tell her because she was so excited about being able to teach me something
Riley: I remember the delivery room with Mom, Jaden, and Mads when Jaden fainted after he looked and Mads said "I knew he would now he owns me 50 bucks"
Jaden: yeah we had made a bet I said I wouldn't faint and she said I would so we bet 50 bucks if I fainted she won if I didn't I won
*they laughed*
Dakota: what about the time last year Mads made us all do an easter egg hunt not just Greyson
Riley: That was hilarious I remember dad kept saying "I can't find any eggs" and I thought he was doing it for Grey until afterwards he told us that he actually couldn't find any eggs
*they laughed while David chuckled*
Tiffany: I'll be back I need to go get something
*they gave her funny looks but she quickly rushed out of the room. She came back in the room with a big purple box*
Riley: whats in that
Tiffany: well I'm glad you asked it has a bunch of old pictures and videos of Mads when she moved in with Jaden she took what she thought was all of her baby stuff but I kept some and I thought we could look through them
Riley: alright
*For the rest of the night until around 7:00 in the morning they were watching videos and laughing while looking at pictures.*
David: oh my gosh its 7
Aunt Mel: wow we really up stayed up that long
David: yep
Tiffany: let me go make something for breakfast so everyone can head home
Riley: I'll come help
*they decided to make french toast while the others were still talking about Mads*
Riley: alright breakfast is ready
*everyone went to the kitchen and ate in pretty much silence. When they were done they all started leaving one by one and lastly Jaden and Riley left around 7:30*
Tiffany: i just realized Ryan never came
David: I'll have to just tell him over the phone
Tiffany: alright I should probably start making plans for the funeral and then phone calls to family
David: okay first lets get some sleep
Tiffany: yeah your right
*they went and laid down and fell right asleep*

~Jaden's POV~

*Riley drove back. The ride was pretty silent but it was a good silence. We decided that we would just go straight to the police station. When they were near the police station they decided to stop at a dunkin to get coffee to keep them awake because they didn't know how long they would be at the police station.*
Jaden: I feel like they are trying to accuse me of my wife's death
Riley: a little or see if maybe you know someone who would want to do this to her
Jaden: true
*I walked into the police station I was told to take a seat and I did as told. I was honestly nervous that they would try to accuse me of killing my wife. Yes we had out ups and downs but I would never kill her.*
Police Officer: so Mr. Hossler we are just going to ask you some question about the accident remember we are here to help you we want to find out who did this as much as you do
Jaden: Thank you officer
Police: okay first question where were you at the time of the accident
Jaden: I was in the studio in a meeting with my manager Shanon and my music partner Travis
Police Officer: Alright at the end of this meeting I will have you fill out a form of all the people you mention I will need there full name, phone number, and address
Jaden: okay
Police Officer: do you know someone who would want to do this to your wife
Jaden: no I don't think she had bad blood with anyone that I knew of
Police Officer: okay when was the last time you talked to her
Jaden: in the morning before I left for work but she did try to call me but like I said I was in a meeting so I couldn't answer
Police Officer: did she leave a voice mail
Jaden: yes
Police Officer: would you play it for us
Jaden: yeah
*he grabbed his phone and played the message. The whole conversation with the cops was being video taped so they had all the evidence. Jaden got teary eyed*
Police Officer: when did you hear that message
Jaden: when I got home from work I heard the message with my sister-in-law Riley Lewis she was watching Grayson our son she had been worried because Mads was supposed to be home a while ago and she wasn't so she called her and texted and there was no answer and that when I realized I had a voicemail from the emergency room
*Jaden was crying now*
Police Officer: alright thats it for today we need the sim from your phone and then you can go home but please don't forget to fill out the form at the front desk
Jaden: thank you
Police Officer: we will stay in contact with you if we have any new information
Jaden: thank you
*he went to the front desk and filled out the form. He went to the car where Riley was waiting for him. She was asleep in the passenger seat. Good thing Jaden had the extra keys. He got in and started the car and Riley started waking up*
Riley: oh Jaden your back how did it go
Jaden: okay a little hurtful
Riley: its okay remember it will get easier with time
Jaden: I hope
*they drove home*
Jaden: I still have no clue how to tell Grayson
Riley: I just know I don't think we should sugar coat it just get straight to the point
Jaden: that makes it harder but I know your right
*we parked the car and unlocked the door with my keys and walking into the living room where Sophie was sleeping on the couch. She must had fallen alseep while watching Greys Anatomy her favorite show because Netflix was on the TV. The house felt empty without Mads. As we walked through the door I remember when we were looking for a house to buy and I first walked in through the door I knew this was our house. Or when we brought home Grayson from the hospital. Or that one time mads had put on a sexy outfit and waited for me to come home from work. Or all the nights I came home drunk just to see mads sleeping on the couch waiting for me.*

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