Chapter 28

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The above picture is my most favorite one... couldn't find any other perfect picture...



Wedding Day

Randhir was looking very nervous while Suyy was looking excited as it's the second time he is getting married to the same woman. It was a private wedding and only family members and close friends were invited. No media allowed.

"Bro, don't be nervous," Suyy said patting his back thus he earn a glare from him.

"It's my first time unlike you." He snapped at him.

Just then his gaze met with a pair of brown eyes and she met her eyes with his green orbs which stole her heart. He doesn't have words to describe her beauty today. She was looking breathtaking in a heavy embroidered maroon Lehenga. She was taking steady steps with her father who had tears in his eyes while she was looking down not able to match her gaze with her father because she will be broken down seeing tears in his eyes. They come close to him and her father smiled at him warmly.

"I am giving my precious treasure. Take care of her." Her father said giving her hand in his hand.

"I will." He replied with assurance tightly holding her palm.

Vardhan patted his shoulder and kissed his daughter's forehead and went from there. They sat on the chair and she looked at him.

"My bride is looking beautiful." He whispered in her ear and kissed there lightly.

"Thank you. You are also looking handsome." She said squeezing his hand and smiled at him which he smiles back kissing her hand.

"Where is princess? I haven't seen her in the morning." He asked roaming his eyes around in the hall.

"I don't know. I also didn't saw her. Last I saw her with dads." She replied looking in his direction to search for her.

"Don't worry. She must be around. You tell did you eat anything?" He asked with worry and she bites her lips nervously.

"I forget. I mean I don't get the time and we had to keep fast today." She replied not looking into his eyes and he groaned as still half-hour left for the wedding.

He saw Ayaan having fun with his friends and called him waving his hand at him. Ayaan walked to him and he whispered something in his ear thus Ayaan nodded his head and went from there.

"Mamma... daddy..." Amy ran to them followed by Aarya.

Randhir's lips curved into a beautiful smile seeing his princess who was already looking cute in a peach color knee-length dress.

"Hello to you pretty princess." He said taking her in his lap and kissed her cheeks.

"Daddy I am pretty?" She asked with twinkling eyes.

"Yes, my princess is prettiest." He replied kissing her nose and cuddles her in his arms.

"Did you eat anything baby?" Sanyu asked caressing her hair and she looked at her mother and bobbed her head.

"Mamma you look beautiful." She said leaning on her and kissed her cheek.

"Aww... thank you, my baby. You too look beautiful. More than mamma." Sanyu said kissing her cheeks and she giggled as her jewelry tickle her.

Ayaan comes with two plates of sandwiches and two glasses of orange juice. He hands one plate and glass to Valentina and the other gave to Randhir.

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