Chapter 26

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"But how? We got news 15 years ago that the Agrawal family died in the accident then how is this possible? And if she is alive then why she doesn't know us and why she changed her surname?" Randhir asked looking at him with lots of confusion.

"Son, I know you have lots of questions and confusion about it. Let me tell you everything then. It wasn't just an accident. It was a loss of everything. I lost the most precious people in my life. Maya was crying every day after losing her sister and seeing her niece in the worst condition. They died in that accident but they managed to save Sanyukta's life. She was in a coma for six months after that accident. You asked me why she didn't know you then let me tell you that she lost her memory in that accident. Not a single moment of her past life. She doesn't even know her name when she woke up from Coma. Not even about her parents and about the Shekhawat family. I don't know either it's good or bad but she doesn't remember anything about her past life. The doctor said that if we gave stress to her mind then it would not good for her health. She had already lost everything and if she got to know about it then it will not good for her. We never had any kids because Maya couldn't conceive so we adopted her without her acknowledgment. We told her that we are her real parents. We made her believe by showing pictures. We moved to Manali for her sake." Vardhan said with a deep sigh.

"Then why you didn't inform us?" He asked feeling hurt.

"Those six months we couldn't think properly. We don't know what to do or not and then we left the city. We didn't inform you because of her health. We just wanted her to be fine." Vardhan said looking in his eyes.

"Whatever it is. She was meant to be with us so she met us. It was destiny's plan." Harsh said patting his back.

Just then they heard a knock and saw a maid standing with the tray.

"Coffee for sir." She said.

"I will see you later," Randhir said getting up from the couch and took his coffee cup, and left from there.

"Give him some time," Vardhan said and Harsh nodded his head.


Randhir went to the terrace and sat on the wooden chair. He started remembering everything and every moment which he spends with her in childhood. It was the sweetest moment of his life. His father and her father Kishor Agrawal were friends. They moved to Washington DC after his birth.

He had known Sanyukta from the kindergarten days. Obviously, she was three years younger than him and very cute. He loved calling her Dove but her accident caused him a deep wound. He wasn't able to forget her and the moment he spends with her. Then he engrossed himself in the study and become a business still he has her memories until he met her again. But this time she wasn't his Dove; she is Sanyukta whom he loves more than his Dove. He forgot Dove after meeting Sanyukta even though both are the same person. He didn't love her because she was his Dove; he loves her because she is the woman who flutters his heart. Now he doesn't want her to remember her past because her past will give her pain only. She lost her real parents but now she has an amazing parent who loves her like their own child.

He stood up and went to the railings and looked down in the backyard where Amy was playing with Theo. Sanyu comes there and held her arms and started dragging her inside the house. Amy was covered with mud so Sanyu wants to give her a bath but she was showing tantrums and at last, Sanyu managed to take her inside. He doesn't want anything in his life anymore. He has a woman who is loving him unconditionally and a cute little princess who had him wrapped around her little finger and their unborn symbol of love.

He smiled shaking his head and went down to their room. He locked the door and heard voices coming out of the bathroom and went to the bed. After a few minutes, Sanyu walked out of the bathroom wiping her face with a towel.

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