Chapter 12

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Amy ran inside the Villa followed by Sanyu and Randhir took her in his arms.

"Hey princess, did you miss me?" He asked tickling her waist and she giggled loudly.

"I miss you." She said leaning her head on his shoulder and he kissed her head.

"How's he?" Sanyu asked standing beside him.

"Good. Let's meet him." He replied holding her hand and she shook her head nervously.

They went upstairs and enter his room. He was sitting on the bed and looking outside of the window but turns his gaze toward the source of the voice. He looked at Sanyukta but didn't remember her as it has been five years still felt her face very familiar. Suddenly he recognized her face and looked at her with shock.

"What are you doing here, Sanz?" Enrique asked coming out of the shock.

"I.. a.. I am with Randhir." She replied stammering a little.

"She is your girlfriend," Enrique asked Randhir which he nodded his head.

Amy looked up and turns her face toward Enrique. She blinked her big blue eyes like a doll and Enrique also looked at her without a blink. Her face looked so familiar and her eyes are matching with his eyes. He started becoming restless and sweat beads appear on his face.

"Who is this uncle?" Amy asked pointed at Enrique.

Enrique was starlet hearing her voice as it remains him of Myra. She showed him her childhood videos and her voice matched with Amy.

"Princess, he is my best friend and his name is Enrique," Randhir said softly and she wriggled in his arms thus he put her down on the floor.

She ran to Enrique and jumped on the bed standing beside him.

"Hello, uncle Que. My name is Amyra." She said sweetly forwarding her tiny hand.

His eyes popped out in socket hearing her name and he fisted his palm while his eyes turn red.

"Where is Myra, Sanz?" Enrique asked with rage in his eyes thus Amy got scared and started trembling in fear.

"Enrique, please stay calm. You are scaring her." Randhir said coming to the bed and took Amy in his arms.

"I asked you something, Sanz. Where is my Myra?" He shouted angrily and Amy started crying.

Randhir gave Amy to Sanyu and asked her to leave the room. She went from there with Amy as she got scared of seeing Enrique's anger.

"Randhir, tell me where is Myra? Why she remained me of Myra?" Enrique asked angrily.

"Enrique relax." He said trying to make him calm but he jerked his hand.

"Where is she? Call her." Enrique asked.

"She is no more." Randhir spat back thus he fell silent.

"You are lying. She can't be dead. It's not true right." Enrique asked as tears rolled down from his eyes.

Randhir sat beside him and narrated to him everything. He couldn't take it anymore and cry. Randhir didn't tell him directly that Amy is his daughter because he wants him to recognize her. Enrique realized that Amyra is his and Myra's daughter because she resembles both of them and that name of her is big evidence.


Flashback (A little bit moment of Enrique and Myra)

Enrique rolled beside Myra and pulls her in his arms and covered their naked frame under the satin sheet. She moved her finger on his chest in a teasing manner and he held her wrist to stop her.

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