Chapter 17

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At Night

Amy along with Randhir and Sanyu walked down for dinner. Sanyu went to the kitchen while Randhir turns on the TV and started watching business news. He wants to go and meet Enrique but thought he might be taking a rest so he will meet him at dinner. Amy being a kid run to call him without informing Randhir and barged into his room.

"Uncle Que... Uncle Que..." She jumped on his bed and shakes his hand.

But he didn't open his eyes and she patted his cheek.

"Uncle Que, dinner time. Waky waky...." She said shaking his face but he still didn't open his eyes making her frown.

She got down from the bed and rushed out of the room and went to Randhir.

"Daddy, Uncle Que is mean and stubborn. He is not opening eyes." She said with a pout thus he instantly ran toward his room calling his nurse.

"What happened princess?" Sanyu asked coming toward her as she saw him running toward Enrique's room.

"Uncle is bad. He is not opening eyes and I will not talk with him." She replied gazing at the TV as her favorite cartoon going on it.

Sanyu's heart started beating faster than before and she went to his room only to saw Randhir on the floor. The nurse looked at her and shook her head negatively. Sanyu stumbles on her feet and held the door before she collapsed on the floor. She wasn't close to him but he was amazing as an in-person and lover. She wanted Amy but not like this. She doesn't want Enrique to sacrifice his life for them.

She heard the doorbell ring and wiped her tears and went to open the door. She opens the door and found the doctor along with a few men. She asked the maid to take Amy upstairs and called Harsh.


A Week Later

Everything shatters after Enrique's death. Randhir stopped talking with everyone including Amy. He stayed in the room and was lost in his thoughts. They got to know that Enrique wasn't having medicine since day one. Maybe the reason he never wanted to recover or live a bit long. Randhir was feeling devastated that he didn't take good care of him. He was in pain and guilt.

They moved to his penthouse while Amy was living with Harsh and Renuka. Sanyu enters his room and saw him sitting on the bed in the same position. She went to him and place her hand on his shoulder.

"Randhir, I know you are shattered but please eat something." She said in a pleading tone but he jerked her hand.

"Just go away from here, Sanyukta." He said fisting his palm and closed his eyes.

"I will leave you alone but you have to eat something first." She said trying to cup his face but he jerked her harshly.

"Don't you understand? Just go away from my life. I don't want you anymore." He shouted thus she flinched back a bit.

"What do mean by you doesn't want me? I know you are upset with Enrique's death but don't talk nonsense." She said holding his shoulder.

"Listen to me Sanyukta Awasthi, there is nothing between you, me, and Amy. Just go with your daughter and I am not talking nonsense. We were never together in the first place." He said absentmindedly thus she slapped his cheek hard.

"You are a bastard. You are nothing but a monster. You used me. You almost fucked me and now you are saying that you don't want me. Is this what you wanted till now? I was a fool to trust you and give you rights. I shouldn't trust you in the first place. How can I forget that you are a Billionaire at the end of the day? And a Billionaire can't get satisfied with one. Thank you for what you did for me and my daughter Mr. Shekhawat. I will send back the stuff you bought us. I am sorry if we had trouble you anyway. Goodbye Mr. Shekhawat." She said wiping back her tears and left from there.

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