Chapter 29

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This is the second last chapter of this book



Washington DC

Amy woke up and sat on the bed rubbing her eyes. She turns her head right to left and found her grandparents snoring softly. She slowly got down from the bed and went out of the room not before wearing her Mickey Mouse slippers. She went to the kitchen and managed to drag the stool and climbed on it carefully. She opens the fridge and took out the Pistachio ice cream tub. She got down from the stool and went from there with a spoon. She sits on the couch after turning on the TV and started eating ice cream.

After an hour, Renuka woke up and glanced at her husband but panicked not seeing Amy.

"Harsh, wake up. Amy is not here." She said shaking him and got down from the bed.

Harsh woke up with a jolt and ran behind his wife.

"She will be here around. Don't worry." He said rubbing her arms.

They heard voices coming down from the living area and went there. They stopped seeing her sleeping on the couch with blanket around her and their lips curved in beautiful smile.

"This tiny girl is going to give me grey hair before her sibling arrives," Harsh said with a laugh.

"You already have grey hair." She said walking to the couch and caressed her hair.

"What?" Harsh exclaimed horrified and ran back to the room.

Renuka scoop Amy in her arms and went to their room and saw him standing in front of the mirror. She shook her head and laid her on the bed.

"Renu darling, can you check behind? I can't see. If I have more grey hair then I had to apply the dye. I don't want to look old." Harsh complaint and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't have time for your stupidity Harsh and you can't stop yourself from growing old so accept the truth." She said walking into the bathroom and he groaned.

"Fine. I don't need your help. I will ask my little son to help me." He shouted banging the door and lay beside Amy and pulled her upon him.

"Princess, your grandpa is still young. A few grey hairs won't make me old." He said kissing her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Float your boats, honey. The truth is you are turning old." Renuka shouted from the bathroom.

"Shut up old grumpy jealous woman." He shouted back and snuggled Amy in his arms.

Their bickering continued for sometime while Amy was sleeping peacefully in her grandpa's arms.



Sanyu roamed her hand on other side but find empty and sits on the bed rubbing her eyes. She looked around and checked time 8.15 pm. She saw his shirt near her and slides on her naked frame. She got down from the bed and wore her slippers as he strictly warned her not to roam around bare feet. She climbed down the stairs and went to the kitchen. She licked her lips seeing his upper body bare and leaned against the door. He looked sexy with lose trouser hanging around waist and those muscular abs and that tattoos on his back which also covered his half hand. Her eyes caught something on his nape and tears brimmed in her eyes. She saw the King and Queen's entangled crown on and Princess written below that crown inked on his nape.

"Oh God...!!!" She gasped covering her mouth and a sob escaped from her mouth thus he instantly turns to her.

"Sanyukta, what happened?" He asked panicked seeing her crying.

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