Chapter 19

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At Night

They returned to his penthouse after having lunch with his parents while he did some office work with Amy all-time in his arms. The entire day she was sticking to him like his second skin and he didn't let go of her as he knew how much she was afraid. Sanyu took rest half-day and then made both father and daughter's favorite dishes in the dinner.

Randhir walked inside his room with Amy on his shoulder after dinner. Sanyu was cleaning the dishes as they gave day off to all the maids.

"Daddy, can we play with blocks?" She asked him as soon as he put on the bed.

"Yes. Take them out. Till daddy make a call." He replied pecking her cheeks and she ran inside the closet while he called someone.

"Did you make an arrangement?" He asked as soon as the person picked up the call.

"Yes sir. Everything is ready. When you are leaving?" His assistant asked.

"Tomorrow in the evening. Make sure everything is perfect. I don't want to take any risk with my family." He said glancing at Amy who was arranging blocks on the floor.

"Don't worry sir. I myself take the responsibility of arrangements." His assistant said.

"Good then see you tomorrow." Saying this he cut the call and place it on the desk.

Sanyu enters the room with Theo who was wide awake and places him on the floor. He ran to Amy and messed up her blocks making her frown.

"Theo, you are bad." She said angrily and he barked at her jumping on her and started licking her face making her giggle.

Sanyu sat beside Randhir and he pecked her lips with a smile.

"This is my home where my princess and queen live." He said making her smile brighter.

"And you are our protector; our King." She said kissing his nose and Theo jumped in Randhir's arms making jealous Amy.

Oh... don't forget. Amy is possessive for Randhir and she doesn't share her things.

"Hey... he is my daddy. Stay away from him." She said trying to pull him away and Sanyu burst out in laughter seeing her possessiveness.

He took her in his arms and kissed her chubby cheeks.

"You both are my babies so don't need to behave possessive, princess. I love both of you equally." Randhir said rubbing his stumble on her cheeks making her laugh.

"But you love me more than Theo. Okay. Okay," She said pointing her finger at him with a cute pout and he laughed aloud.

"Yes my princess, I love you more." He said kissing her pout.

"So there is no need of me and Theo here. So we are going." Sanyu said with fake sadness and about to go but Amy held her finger and stopped her.

"I love you, mamma." She said jumping in her arms and kissed her cheeks.

"Aww... my baby. I love you too." Sanyu said pecking her lips and Randhir clicked their photo.

"Well, time to surprise you, my ladies. We are going on vacation." He said gaining their attention.

"Vacationnn... yayyiieee...." Amy screamed in joy.

"Where?" Sanyu asked raising her brows.

"Italy." He replied side hugging her and she just nodded her head as she also wanted to spend time with him.

They played with Amy for some time and then she slept dreaming of vacation. Randhir left the room with Theo and put him in the cot and covered with a quilt then came back to the room. He saw Sanyu was patting Amy's chest with a smile on lips and he captured them in his mobile and lay on the couch. She put a pillow around her and covered her with the blanket and walked to the couch with a blanket.

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