Chapter 5

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At Night

Sanyu walked down with Amy for the dinner. As soon as she stepped in the dining area Harsh, Suyyansh and Ayaan ran to her.

"Princess, are you okay?" Harsh asked literally snatching her from Sanyu's grip.

"Yes grandpa I am good. But I no open fridge again. Promise." She replied with a sad pout in her broken language.

"Ohh my marshmallow. It's your house. You can do anything you want." Suyyansh said caressing her hair and she giggled at him.

Sanyu went to the kitchen shaking her head with a smile while they all set on respective chair. After few minutes Randhir too comes down and sets Amy on his lap.

"You are not red anymore." He said touching her fair white skin.

"You are handpup." She said pulling his nose and everyone burst out in laughter.

"Hey, it's handsome, princess. Don't use the word you can't speak." He faked anger and tickled her waist.

She giggled showing her tongue and he kissed her cheeks deeply. Just then Renuka and Sanyu come and sat on respective chair while Sanyu don't have any other option sitting beside him because Amy was sitting on his lap and she had to feed her.

"Come to mamma. Let me feed you, baby." Sanyu said forwarding her hands but she snuggled herself in his arms.

"No no no. I like here." She pouted pushing her hand and Sanyu sigh while he secretly winked at her thus she looked away from him with a frown.

"Okay, but you're going to behave like a good girl and eat your food," Sanyu said feeding her and she ate playing with his hand.

"Randhir, what you are going to do tomorrow?" Renuka asked.

"It's Friday tomorrow and I have an important meeting with Italian delegates." He said eating his food while the "Friday" word stuck in Amy's tiny mind.

"Ohh.... I thought you will accompany us in shopping." She showed her sadness.

"Sorry mom I can'..."

"Aaaaaa...." Suddenly Amy screamed loudly jumping on his lap and everyone gets starlet hearing her loud scream.

Randhir winched a little as Amy jumped on his lap and hurt him where none can imagine but he instantly rub off his pain.

"Amyra Awasthi, didn't I told you to behave like good girl?" Sanyu snapped at her angrily and her eyes welled up with tears and started crying.

"Damn it... Sanyukta don't you dare to scold her next time." Randhir barked at her with red eyes and rubbed Amy's back.

"Hey princess, see I scold your mamma. Now stop crying and tell me why you screamed?" He mumbled some sweet words to her but she was hiccupping hiding her face in his neck.

"She already cried enough today Sanyu. You shouldn't scold her. She is already a good girl. Screaming and shouting do not make her a bad girl." Renuka said and she nods her head feeling guilty for scolding her.

Sanyu looked at Amy and took her in her arms but she wriggled out in her arms.

"Baby, see mamma is sorry. I promise I won't scold you next time." She said softly and kissed her nose.

"It's my birthday tomorrow mamma. You said me. My birthday is on this Friday." She said sobbing and Sanyu mentally slapped her head for forgetting her birthday.

Everyone widens their eyes including Randhir.

"It's her birthday tomorrow?" Harsh asked surprisingly.

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