Chapter One

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The bustling of the inpatient Medical/Surgical unit had begun to fade into the background, the beeping of telemetry monitors and intravenous pumps slowly slipping away from your ears and your mind. Sitting at your desk, away from patient rooms, you began to document your findings of the patient's you had just rounded on when your phone began to ring.

Vicrul is calling...

Confused, you picked up the call.

"Hey, Vic. Is everything alright?" you asked, anxiously biting at your lip. You picked up on his frustrated sigh on the other end of the line.

"The Hospice nurse says that he's getting close to the end. If it's possible, you should try to find coverage and be here. I know you and Uncle weren't close...but I don't want to be here without you..." Vicrul spoke in a low tone, tension gripping every single syllable.


"Yeah, I just finished up rounding on my patients. I'll just bring my laptop with me to chart on them later. Let me check and see if my relief is here and I'll catch a cab." You stated, quickly shoving all of your belongings into your backpack.

"See you soon. Be careful." Vicrul huffed. You could tell this was already crushing him, watching your Uncle slowly wasting away to an aggressive form of cancer.

"I will, brother. Love you." You whispered, hanging up the phone before he could reply. Hearing him so torn up hurt you more than you could ever begin to put into words. Of course, being twins made you damn near inseparable.

Hastily, you slipped your backpack onto your shoulders, streamlining to the nurse's station. The night shift nurses were poised in front of their computers, typing away on the keyboards like their lives depended on it. They barely even registered your reappearance. You placed a gentle hand onto the shoulder of the nurse closest to you, her typing ceased and she turned to look up at you.

"I'm going to head out early. Everyone was fine and I'll continue my notes later. Some family stuff came up and I don't think I can wait for Perkins to arrive. Please, if anything happens, do not hesitate to call me." You said, a small smile on your face.

"Oh, honey, don't you worry about us! You go take care of whatever you've got going on! careful!" the older nurse said, beginning to shoo you out of the nurse's station. You had worked with her for the last two years, quickly becoming one of your favorite coworkers. Shortly after your first year of working as the hospitalist, she lovingly began to call you her 'work daughter', helping you play pranks on your other coworkers and listening to you vent when you were troubled.

"You are a life saver, Shara! I'm getting you doughnuts next time we work together!" You called out, already walking towards the stairwell at a brisk pace. Taking the stairs two at a time from the third floor seemed risky for as accident prone as you were, but Vic needed you.

Speeding out of the doors of the hospital and onto the frigid New York City sidewalk, you could only think of Vicrul and how he was attempting not to fall apart on the phone to you. Quickly hauling a cab, you piled in just as fast, telling the driver the address through chattering teeth.

Please, get me there in time..., you thought, peeling the skin off your lip with your teeth until you began to taste blood.

You couldn't help but think of your family situation on the ride there, growing more heartbroken for your brother with each passing minute and mile.

Your mother, Genevieve, was a registered nurse at the same hospital that you were currently working at when she had met your father, Zachary. He had come in with a minor injury that required stitches, she had been assigned to take care of him and the rest was history. A few years later, they were married, in the process of buying a house just outside of the city while expecting a set of twins. Vicrul had been born 8 minutes before you, your parents absolutely over the moon about having two healthy babies. They had told you that they had fallen more in love with each other after having laid their eyes upon you and your brother. Everything was perfect...

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