Chapter Five

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Your stomach seemed to have knotted itself up in your abdomen, your leg bouncing anxiously against the floorboard of the car Kylo had sent for you. More than anything, you wished you could have stayed back in your cozy apartment, wrapped up in warm blankets while reading a novel or the latest medical journal, but you knew you couldn't miss Snoke's celebration of life; you had to be there for Vicrul. As if it would help relax your tightly wound nerves, you continually smoothed out the long skirt of your black velvet gown.

After Kylo had left your apartment yesterday, you immediately searched your closet, in hopes that some sort of fashion fairy-godmother had somehow blessed you with an immaculate wardrobe that did not just consist of stiff dress clothes and old university crewnecks. Of course, you could not be so lucky, so you slipped into some jeans and walked to the shopping district of the city, keeping your eyes peeled for a dress that would be perfect for the 'party'.

Most of the stores you had ducked into had either been exorbitantly priced or had too much fast fashion on the racks, making you feel as if there was no way you would find something to wear before tomorrow. Finally, after you had almost turned around and walked back to your apartment, your eyes caught on the most perfect gown, the rich black velvet looking so soft from a quaint shop's window. As you walked through the door, a small bell announced your entrance to the store, a bright doe-eyed blonde peeking out from behind a clothing rack at you.

"Hello! Welcome to Connix! My name is Kaydel! Can I help you find anything?" she said, her voice just as bright as her personality. You couldn't help but feel relaxed in her presence. Kaydel smiled at you, watching you take in the store.

Rows and rows of gowns on racks took up two of the major walls, a small pedestal in front of large mirrors at the very back of the store, the hope you thought you had lost before now reemerging.

"Hi, I was wondering about the black velvet dress in the window?" you said, readjusting your purse strap onto your shoulder, pointing to the window in question.

"Ah, yes! She's a stunner, isn't she?" Kaydel said with a smile, walking over to the mannequin the dress was on, beginning to unzip it. You watched as she whipped the dress off the mannequin's body, draping it gently over her arm and turning to face you.

"Would you like to try it on? We have dressing rooms in the back. I can also look for other gowns while you try it on!" She said, beaming as she gestured to the racks filled to the brim with different colors and fabrics.

"Sure, umm, I have a fancy party, gala...thing tomorrow evening. Preferably something in black, and long, if that's not too much trouble?" you asked, beginning to chew on the skin around your thumb nail again. Kaydel smiled, seeming almost giddy to be assisting you.

"It's no trouble at all!" Kaydel practically squealed, walking to the back of the dress shop, her heeled booties clacking against the hardwood floors. She started unlocking a dressing room, gracefully setting the gown on a small chaise lounge in the stall, you could see her expression fall a little, a sigh escaping her lips once she'd stepped out next to you again.

"I'm sorry if I'm being a little over the top...You're my first customer, like, ever." She said, a small pink blush tinting her cheekbones. You couldn't help but smile, feeling your heart squeeze for her.

"You are perfect," You said, grabbing her hand and giving her a friendly smile, "Now, I'm gonna try and squeeze my ass into this dress, so wish me luck!" a small laugh leaving your lips as you watched Kaydel begin to smile. She turned off quickly, rushing around the shop to gather other dresses as you ducked into the dressing room stall.

Quickly, you stripped off your street clothes, debating on whether or not to keep your bra on, while you slipped into the dress. You zipped the dress up as much as you could by yourself, looking into the mirror in front of you. Much to your surprise, you couldn't help but think of Kylo and whether or not he would like the dress you chose, noting that this was basically a dress he had picked out without having laid eyes on it himself.

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