Chapter Twenty

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You stood up to your full height, staring at the man in front of you as the music faded out within the space. Poe stared back at you, his obnoxious white and orange mask still perched on his face, dropping his hands to his sides. 

"What did you just say to me?" you asked, taking a step back from him, careful not to raise your voice and disturb the other guests. Poe sighed, staring down at his feet, almost as if you had scratched the answer into the shining hardwood floors with your stiletto heel. 

"Ren. It's not safe for you to be around him. I know it's not my place-" he said, before you raised up your hand, effectively interrupting him before he could continue to spew some sort of bullshit about the man you had spent countless nights with.  

"You're right, Dameron. It's not your place to comment on what I do with whomever I want to do it with. Last time I checked, I was an adult. I don't need you, or anybody else, making decisions for me." you said, bunching up the skirt of your gown in your hands, turning to exit the dance floor without stepping on it, when Poe gripped your upper arm, pulling you back into his chest. 

"I need you to hear me out...Ren has enemies, plenty of them. If any of them know that he has a soft spot for some doctor, your safety could be compromised. The safety of your coworkers and patients could be compromised. I know that's not what you want, right?" Poe stated, keeping his grip on your arm. 

"I don't need you to tell me what is good for my coworkers, patients, and I definitely don't fucking need it for myself! Now, let go of me!" you said, attempting to pull your arm from his grasp to no avail. 

"I'm only saying this to you because you're my friend and I care about you!" he said, tightening his grip on your arm. You grimaced, letting go of your skirt, attempting to pry his hand from you, digging your nails into his skin. 

Just as you were about to kick your skirt out of the way to stomp your stiletto spike into his toes, you felt someone bend Poe's fingers back from your arm. Kylo stood between you and Poe, shielding you from the man you had once considered a good friend. You watched as Kylo's shoulders heaved, his unoccupied fist opening and closing menacingly at his sides. 

"Listen here, Dameron, if I EVER see you within 500 feet of her, I swear to god, I will hunt you down and rip you limb from limb, do you understand me?" Kylo asked through barred teeth, towering over Poe. You could see the hate boiling in Poe's dark chocolate irises, his nostrils flaring as he considered Kylo's threat. To your surprise, anger began to bloom within the confines of your chest, tainting the blood circulating within your veins. 

Without thinking of the consequences, you elbowed your way between the two men in front of you, standing toe to toe with the one you thought was your friend. 

"If you cared about me, if you were truly my friend, you would plainly see that I am safe and happy for the first time in a very long time...But you are blinded by your own selfishness to see anything for what it truly is, I know that now." you said, straightening your shoulders, balling your fists at your sides. 

Right as you took in a steadying breath, Poe whispered your name, resting his hand on your shoulder. You quickly shrugged him off, scowling at him. 

"No, you don't get to do that anymore. You don't get to regard me as if we are still friends...You've made sure of that, Dameron." you whispered, turning your back on the tanned, masked man, tears welling up in your eyes. You felt Kylo's hand rest gently on the small of your back, leading you out of the ballroom and into an adjoining sitting room, a few straggling guests quietly talking over glasses of top shelf brandy. 

Before you could even think about looking Kylo in the eye, you quickly blinked away the tears, smoothing out some of the fabric of your skirt that had gone astray whilst dancing. You felt Kylo's hands plant themselves on your shoulders, turning you to face him head on. Faintly, you heard him whisper your name, as if it were a splash of honey dripping from the tip of his tongue. Gentle fingers brushed against your chin, tilting your face upwards, your eyes finding Kylo's warm hazel eyes. 

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