Chapter Six

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As you entered the ballroom once more, your eyes were pulled to the stage where the musicians sat, the beady-eyed ginger poised in front of the microphone, glass in hand. The crowd pooled around the small platform, all eyes on Armitage as he prepared to speak. Quickly, you turned to grab another champagne flute from the serving platter of an approaching waitress, hoping to not appear out of place with the other patrons.

A large, familiar hand gently poised on the smallest portion of your waist caused you to jump slightly, noting that Kylo had joined you, letting you enter first as to not seem suspicious to lingering eyes. With his glass in hand, he gave you a small smirk, looking back to the stage. Heat began to collect in between your legs, bringing a blush to your cheeks.

"I just want to thank you all for being with us tonight, even under such grim circumstances." Hux quipped, frowning slightly, almost reminded of the reason for the gathering.

"Charles Snoke was my boss for nearly a decade, having taken me under his wing to teach me the ins-and-outs of the empire he had created. While he could be described as cold and ill-tempered, Charles was a loyal man, never having turned his back on his family." Hux's eyes seemed to find you in the crowd, almost as if he was looking directly through you.

"His battle with terminal cancer was a long, treacherous one; but he never let that stop him. He continued on leading this amazing business that he built from the ground up, right until the end. Though Charles has departed from the mortal realm, he still lives on in all of us in attendance tonight, as well as in the foundation of this life he built for every single person here." He finished, raising his glass. Everyone in the room followed suit, raising their glasses in the air.

"Long live Snoke, his loyalty, and more importantly, his empire!" Hux yelled, bringing his glass to his lip, polish off the small amount of deep amber contents. You watched as the crowd did the same, clinking glasses with the patron next to them and drinking in your uncle's name. Kylo brought the edge of his glass to meet yours, the small tinkling of glass-on-glass ringing between you as he brought his to his plump lips. As you took a sip of your champagne, Kylo winked at you, finishing his drink.

"Kylo," you heard Vicrul's voice behind you, causing you both to face your brother, "your guests are in the study, waiting for you." His green, piercing eyes met yours, seeming on edge from something you were obviously ignorant of. Kylo gave him a stern nod, watching as Vic disappeared into the hallway you and Kylo had frequented just moments before.

"I'll be back in just a moment, Angel. I have some business to attend to." Kylo whispered in your ear, the whiskey on his breath nearly as intoxicating as if you had indulged in it with him. You simply nodded as he pressed his lips into your temple, trailing behind Vicrul.

You decided now would be as good a time as ever to frequent one of the small tables along the walls, finally taking a moment to relieve your aching feet. Music flooded the ballroom again, more attendees twirling around the dancefloor, smiling and enjoying the moment. As you finished off your champagne, you felt someone poke your shoulder.

Speak of the devil...

Armitage stood beside you, a shit-eating grin on his face as if he had just given the world's most prolific speech.

"Since Ren decided to ruin our moment earlier, I wanted to ask if you would like to dance, while he's preoccupied and before he has the chance to ruin my getting to know you." He said, holding his hand out for you to take. You gave him a polite smile, figuring that you might as well do it, more so as an apology, rather than actually wanting to dance with him.

Silently, you took his hand as you got up for your seat, Hux leading you out onto the dancefloor. As another song started, you turned to face him, placing your hand on his shoulder, as he grasped your waist, pulling you closer to him than you were comfortable with. Waltzing around the ballroom, you couldn't help but think how decent of a dancer he was, despite being an absolute douchebag.

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