Chapter Twenty-Two

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To say that Kylo Ren was overprotective when it came to you was a massive understatement.

He seemed to watch every movement of the nurses and patient care technicians, his eyes narrowing at the nurse who made you flinch after removing your IV in a less than gentle manner. You thought you were going to have to step in between the two, watching as Kylo's chest puffed out, as if ready to fight for your honor. With a roll of your eyes, you mouthed at him to calm down, holding additional pressure to the dressing applied where the catheter had pumped fluids into your circulatory system.

As you were occupied with going over your discharge paperwork with the nurse and signing your official release papers, Kylo seemed to wrestle with himself internally, the wrinkle between his brows more prominent than you had ever seen it. After the nurse had finished his education with you, you finally cocked an eyebrow in his direction, sighing.

"What was that for?" Kylo mumbled, looking down at you from his standing position. Still dressed in his suit from the fundraiser, his tie loosened from its previous position around his neck, hair mussed from laying on the hospital pillows, he still looked like a carefully sculpted rendering of a Roman God.

Can I convince him to have a quickie in the bathroom?, you thought to yourself.

"Ky, you're hovering. I'm fine, trust me. If you want to pull the car around, I doubt I'll find trouble by the time you get back." you said, standing to grab the duffle bag on the end of the bed, trying to dig out the clothes that Kaydel had packed for you. With your back turned to Kylo, you felt his enormous hands practically engulf your hips, pressing his already hard length against your ass.

His lips captured your earlobe, his breath brushing against your skin, sending a shiver down the length of your spine.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight, even for a moment, Kitten." he whispered, his lips trailing down the span of your neck. The faintest of moans tumbled from your lips, your eyelids fluttering as you leaned your head back against his shoulder, inadvertently giving him access to your décolletage.

As he continued peppering kisses against your skin, you could feel the desire pool between your thighs, wanting nothing more than to relish the feeling of him inside of you.

"Come on, let's get you dressed so I can take you home and rail you until you can't walk..." Kylo mumbled, thrusting his hips into yours, causing you both to dissolve into a fit of laughter.

"You're such a pervert!" you snickered, pulling out your clothes and toiletries, already beginning to shrug out of the hospital gown you had been dressed in after your arrival. Kylo chuckled, showing off a childlike smile.

"But I'm your pervert, Princess!" he mumbled, pressing his lips to the crown of your head. You were quick to change, desperate to go home with Kylo and shower. As you threw on your deodorant and pulled your hair up out of your face, you hurriedly grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste, hoping to rid yourself of the morning breath you knew you were sporting.

Kylo stood in the doorway of the bathroom, keeping a watchful eye, looking for any sign that you could faint again. Your heart felt as if it were about to pound its way out of your ribcage at any moment as he watched over you, reminding you of everything you wanted to say to him, but forbade yourself.

As you rinsed and wiped off your mouth, shoving the rest of your things in your bag, you heard a faint knock at the door, a nurse pushing a wheelchair into the room.

"Ready to go?" he said, smiling at you. You frowned.

"I'm fine to walk, I promise." you said, hoping to talk your way out of being wheeled through the hospital any further.

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