Chapter Two

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You slowly turned to close the door in front of you, keeping your back to Vicrul. Taking the deepest breath you could possible take, you turned, looking up at the one person you couldn't bear to hurt.

"Vic..." you whispered, taking in his round, glassy eyes and quivering lip. He already knew...

Before you could think of what to say next, Vic had wrapped his arms around you, holding you impossibly close and burying his face in your shoulder. You had only ever seen his cry twice; when Genevieve had passed and when his very first girlfriend, Elizabeth, broke his heart. Outside of those two instances, he was either stone-faced, or had the goofiest grin you could possibly think of plastered on his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry...," you whispered, rubbing his back and holding him tighter, "I was going to come get you, but then it was too late...," another hiccup shaking your chest, attempting to keep more tears from falling. You had to keep yourself together for Vic. If you lost your composure now, he would lose his tenfold.

"It's okay," Vic sighed, sniffling as your name tumbled from his lips, getting muffled in the fabric of your scrub top, "You were here, that's all that matters to me." He began to loosen his embrace on you, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple as he stood to his full height. His eyes were still glassy, a stray tear sliding down his cheek, the light that normally danced in his irises now extinguished.

He looks like a small, frightened boy; the same way he looked when our mother died..., you thought.

You took his giant hand in yours, feeling the familiarity of his warmth seep into your bones. Squeezing it gently, you knew you didn't have to think of any combination of words to spout off to him about how much he meant to you, or how you would never leave his side, no matter what; he simply knew. You felt his other hand come up quickly to ruffle your hair, something Vic always did when you were 'being a sap', as he lovingly explained.

"Come on, I'm sure there's a wine cellar or liquor storage in this godforsaken hell hole we can raid." Vic said, nudging you in the ribs with his elbow, eliciting a giggle from you. You rolled your eyes as you followed him back through the labyrinth-like hallways of the mansion, eventually finding yourselves in the kitchen, the butler from before quietly washing dishes in the corner.

"Hey, Skeeves, do you happen to know if there's any liquor in this joint?" Vicrul said, peeking into the cabinets beside the refrigerator. You simply shook your head, placing your forehead in your hand.

"Vic, just because he happens to be a butler, does not give you the right to call him Skeeves!" you yelled, slapping his arm as he stood beside you once again. Vicrul flinched, rubbing the part of his bicep you slapped, giggling the entire time.

"Ms., Sir Vicrul is not taunting or name-calling. My name is actually Skeeves." The butler said, draining the water from the sink basin and drying his hands, giving you a polite smile as he turned to face you both. You looked up at Vic, his response only to be to stick his tongue out at you childishly.

"To answer your question, the bar cart with whiskey and merlot has been placed in the formal dining room. The rest of the Knights are enjoying a glass as we speak." Skeeves stated, the booming conversation from earlier had morphed into what sounded like alcohol fueled karaoke. You and Vicrul could only stare at each other with wide eyes, both knowing that this can end only one of two ways; either on an upswing, or in holes punched through drywall.

"Well," you said, sighing and crossing your arms over your chest, "if you can't beat them, join them." Vicrul shrugged, speeding past you and through the door to get to the bar cart before you. Before you could cross the threshold of the door, you heard a drink being poured and Ushar's obnoxious yelling.

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