Chapter Eleven

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You could feel the distinct pressure of plump, plush lips against your skin, pulling your mind from the haziness of sleep and into the world of the living, the lips trailing from your throat to your collarbone. Kylo's fingers gently grasped at your waist, eliciting a giggle from you as you attempted to squirm away from his touch. He tutted, grasping at your waist harder as he lightly grazed his teeth against the flesh of your breast.

"It's about time you woke up, Angel..." He whispered against your skin, pressing a light kiss to the skin he had held between his teeth, working more kisses down your sternum. As you opened your eyes, his intense stare held your gaze as he trailed his lips across the expanse of your torso, still gripping onto your waist as if you would escape his grasp the minute he lightened his touch. His hair was beautifully unruly, sticking up in odd places from where he had tossed and turned throughout the night. Continuing his trail of kisses down your body, he positioned himself between your legs, your thighs resting on the expanse of his muscular shoulders.

As Kylo placed a lingering kiss over your hipbone, his breath fanning out over your skin, you brought your hand up to comb through his midnight locks, calming his pillow kissed waves. His eyes darkened with something sinister as his grip on your waist disappeared, his large hand enveloping your wrist almost immediately, pinning it to the bed as he snatched up your other wrist, effectively restraining you to his bed as he winked up at you, licking and nibbling on the skin of your lower abdomen as he made his way to your other hipbone.

"Well, good morning to you too, Kylo..." you giggled, trying to wiggle your wrists from his grasp. Kylo smiled wickedly up at you, his grasp on your wrists tightening slightly as his breath fanned out across your most sensitive area, causing your breath to hitch in your throat.

"K-K-Kylo..." you whimpered, attempting to shift your hips away from him, only to fail miserably as he dove in, mouth first, his lips enveloping your clit, your back arching off of the bed as your moans tumbled from your lips. His tongue began to trace shapes into your sensitive bundle, his eyes watching your every movement from where he was positioned between your legs.

The muscles in your core were tightening almost painfully, the stimulation you were receiving from Kylo's mouth bringing you dangerously close to your peak, threatening to send you free-falling. Your back arched off of the bed, your thighs beginning to tremble around Kylo's head as you moaned incoherent sentences into the air of his bedroom. His hands released your wrists, slipping his large fingers between yours as he drove you to the edge, moans and growls escaping his lips when he switched from swiping his tongue across your clit to wrapping his lips around it.

"Fuck, Kylo!" you yelled as you teetered on the edge, your whole body quivering under his touch. He glanced up at you, his eyes glistening in the small amount of light that had escaped his thick, blackout curtains.

"Let go, Kitten. Let go and let me make you feel good..." Kylo growled, swiping his tongue across your overstimulated clit, increasing the pressure until your whole body stiffened, your breathing stuttering until it stopped. The sheer amount of pleasure blinding you, making you feel as if you were levitating, leaving you almost dizzy. But that didn't deter him.

As you began to climb down from your blissed out stated, you attempted to wriggle away from Kylo's lips, only for his arms to lock around your thighs, keep his lips attached to your slick cunt, driving your heightened senses into overdrive. Your lewd moans continued to raise in octaves, your body continuing to quake under him.

"K-K-Kylo!" you whimpered, attempting to find any sort of reprieve from his barrage on your clit, but he overpowered you without even having to try. His fingers dug into the pliant flesh of your thighs, bruising the soft, pale skin.

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