Chapter Sixteen

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To say that you were disappointed in having to leave the warmth and safety of Kylo's arms nearly a day after your meeting to prepare for work was an understatement. You had gotten comfortable in his presence, finding it nearly impossible to fall asleep the night before your upcoming 48 hour shift to sleep, thrashing back and forth in your bed, the linen sheets winding around your legs until you irritatedly shoved them off of the bed, pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes, praying for unconciousness to sweep over you. 

The vibrating of your cell phone caught your attention, the brightness of the display screen causing you to squint at the incoming message. 

Amilyn Holdo: The Board LOVED your idea! I'd love to grab lunch with you to go over more of the details! 

You were caught off-guard, knowing how difficult it was to win over a majority of the Board of Executives, let alone for them to approve a grand fundraiser that was more than likely going to cost a pretty penny. Biting your lip, you sent a response back to Holdo, explaining that you would like to meet with her on one of your days off, so you didn't have the added stress of leaving the unit, in case something were to happen. 


The time on your cell phone seemed to mock your insomnia, crudely laughing in your face about your blatant inability to fall asleep without your back pressed up against Kylo's chest, his muscular arms wrapped around you, almost afraid to squeeze around you too tightly, fearing you would shatter under the pressure. With a groan, you shoved your cell phone back onto your bedside table, flopping your upper body against your mattress, your head falling back against the memory foam of your pillow. 

Just as your eyes had slid closed, sleep pulling at your mind, a booming knock on your apartment startled you awake, your heart pounding in your ribcage. 

"Motherfucker..." you whispered, scrambling out of bed, hastily grabbing your bathrobe to wrap around your oversized University t-shirt and sleep short clad body to the stranger banging on your door, clutching the material around you tightly as you jogged to the front door, shifting your weight to the balls of your feet to look into the peephole of your door. 

Whipping the door open, you stared at the two Knights in front of you, narrowing your eyes wickedly at them. Ushar's arm was slung over Vicrul's shoulders, both the men smiling like children that were trying to get themselves out of trouble after getting caught red-handed with their hands in the cookie jar. 

"You shitheads, I have to work in the morning!" you muttered, fighting the urge to stamp your foot, exhaustion making you irritated the longer you went without sleep. 

"Well, good evening to you too, Your Highness, but this is actually important." Vic said, wrapping his other hand around Ushar's waist, attempting to guide him into your apartment. 

Rubbing your hand over your face, you sighed, moving out of their way. As you closed the door, you noticed small droplets of crimson dotting your hardwood floors, leading into the kitchen with the hulking men. Instantly, you were wide awake, your head snapping up to look them both in the eyes as they watched the realization wash over you. 

"What happened?" you asked, rushing into the small supply closet in the cramped dining area, that mostly housed cleaning supplies and a very expansive first aid kit. You walked back into the kitchen to find Ushar shirtless, a blood saturated piece of gauze clinging to his left flank. 

"Kellwood's henchmen decided to retaliate." Ushar said, attempting to sound normal, but you could see that his hands were trembling, his normally rosy cheeks now pale. Your stomach felt as if it had plummeted straight out of your body, a feeling of guilt rushing through your veins at the thought of Kellwood's men attacking one of your friends, one who was merely guilty by association, because of something you had done. 

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