Breakfast (19)

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(Third POV)

Waiting with two of the three stooges in the living room, Y/n takes her phone out of her pocket.
While scrolling through Spotify to find music for herself, the two boys notice the scars on her feet. They make eye contact and then broke it to ask:
"Hey Y/n? What happened to your feet?" Evan whispers out.
"First of all, rude. Secondly, It happened when I dreamed in my comatose state. What's funny is that something was chasing me, and a boy tried to end me every time." She glares.
They jumped at how icy the response was.
"You know... you both could just say sorry for the stuff you pulled, and I'd forgive you."
They bounced up and both said their apologies.
'A boy tried to end her in her dreams?'
Though Habit was curious as to who, he didn't want to make anything worse. Y/n looks at them before smiling.
"I guess I can forgive you guys, since you did say sorry."
Smiling back, they relax and talk about how they have a surprise for her today.
Vincent walks down, seeing that the room isn't as icy as he had left it. Standing up, they walk out of the house, lock it, and go to one of the cars. Y/n insists that she drives but they instead blind fold her and sit her down in the back seat, both of the boys on either side of her and Vincent driving.
Pulling up to her favorite breakfast diner, she's unblinded-she squeals and jumps out.
"Careful Y/n!" Evan screeches out.
The four of them talk about what their getting.
"Finally! I'm not going to have to eat the shit that he chooses!" Evan exclaimed.
"Oh yeah? Well then I say vice versa to that statement." Growls habit.
"Can the two of just shut up? Let's just try to have a nice family dinner." The mother-like Vincent huffs.
The four have a wonderful breakfast and go back to where they reside. Covering the girl's eyes once more they take her down to the basement.

(Y/n's POV)

My eyes once more covered, I sighed in response. But then even worse than that- being thrown over one of the two love interest's shoulders like a sack of potatoes. An audible gasp in reply from I.
"Don't worry, this is the last surprise of the day where we need to that... I think?" The mother of the group questions as the they walk down the stairs- other than I.
Once down the stairs, I am set on a couch and my eyesight once again restored unlike the authors faith in humanity to not kill the earth.
"Woah! A movie area- when did this happen? And a snack area?!" I yell out.
"Yeah, the two of us felt really guilty for that one scene the day before shopping." Habit said scratching the back of his head. "So we fixed up an area that we can all hang out in- other than the living room." States Evan.
"And I got the snacks since I know who likes what from my the snack and candy isles." Vincent says and smiles.
"Aww you guys!" I cry out and then frown slightly. "It's just like Christmas all over again with you guys getting me things and me not having things to gift you all. What can I do to repay you guys?"
"It's fine, you can just help me with any work around that we have to do." Vince says to me.
Habit and Evan both wriggling their brows in response to the last sentence of what I just said, I glare holes into both of them.
"Anyways," Vincent murmurs "how does a movie and pizza sound?"
In response we all chime in with a "Yes!!"
"Alrighty Aphrodite, you get to chose the film for tonight." Evan chirps out.
Going onto Netflix, I put ferris Bueller's Day off onto the screen. I snuggle between the two boys that the author is pairing me with, and the lights turn off.
This night couldn't be more perfect.
Hi! It's PopBloop here. To the reader who doesn't want me to give up- don't worry, I'm just having a tough time deciding where I want this story to go to. Thank you if you vote and if you comment. Have a great upcoming week.

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