Months to years (8)

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In the years that passed that traumatic experience, Y/n has lost memory of it and has taken the prescribed medication for PTSD and for anxiety. But she's slowly ignoring the pills now because it makes her feel weird and not at all like herself. Evan remembers all of it, even when he wasn't in control. Habit has been distracted but that doesn't mean he has forgotten Y/n. If anything, he's tried to locate her by her phone or by Snapchat when in control. Luckily ghost mode was on for Y/n, so it worked in her favor that 'ol 'habby stabby' didn't come kidnap the girl and kill her aunt. Evan and Y/n keep in contact and video chat when possible. Evan knows that she forgot about him and her confessing to each other. And about Habit ever meddling around and making a big kerfuffle within in the "girlys" life. What Y/n thinks is that her aunt invited
Y/n to live with her a week before saying goodbye to Evan. And that Y/n decided to go to her. The months the girly was gone, turned into two years. Vinny is fine other than a few scratches that were induced by Habit himself. Vinny misses Y/n as much as Evan does, but only platonically. And he just wants his friend group to be together like they were a while back. We all know though, it will be anything but normal.
Hello! This chapter is updating you on what happened while two years were passing. You may be asking me, "how did I forget something like traumatic experiences?" Simple. Just like how Vinny doesn't have any memory about someone piercing his nose, same goes for you. I hope you're enjoying the story as it progresses. And thank you for voting/following along, little peeps!

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