9- Sleepless Nights

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Prompt 1: Can't sleep.

Prompt 2: Can I hug you?

Prompt 3: Not everyone is going to hurt you.

Summary: Techno can't sleep and neither can Wilbur. 

Note: This takes place during the original Dream wars, and let's act like Phil and Techno where there too.


Wilbur walked through the hallways of his father's house and walked out towards Techno's farm. It was 1 in the morning and the tall brunette was looking for his twin.

When the man had woken up suddenly he saw the other pink haired man was gone.

Usually when this happened Wilbur found Technoblade working on his potato farm.

Not this time though.

When Will walked on to the farm lands his brother was no where to be seen.

"Techno?" Wilbur called out softly trying not to attract any attention from the mobs.

When he got no response the tall man walked away and towards another place his older brother could be.

The mines.


Techno yawned as he crafted armor and weapons from many different ores. The pig hybrid was running on five minutes of sleep he had gotten two days ago.

His paranoia had been keeping him awake since Eret's betrayal. The reason Wilbur called him and their father to help.

He turned away from the workbench and towards a row of brewing stands, all of them had different potions brewing in them. As Techno was doing that the secret entrance opened and the pinkette froze then pulled out a sword.

A person entered and Technoblade held his sword up to their neck, his expression blank.

"Hey Techno." Wilbur said calmly and lightly pushed away the sword.

"What are you doing down here?" The older turned his attention back to the potions.

"I was looking for you." The taller smiled.


"You weren't in bed.." Wilbur looked over the others shoulder as Techno poured the potions.

"Couldn't sleep.." Techno mumbled.

"Me neither."


By 3am Techno had made enough armor and weapons for all of L'manburg.

"Hey, it's getting late and you've done a lot already. Let's head back." Wilbur tugged lightly on Techno's arm.

"You go ahead, I've gotta make more things." Techno shrugged off his brothers hand.

"But you've got enough stuff, more that enough actually." Wilbur tried to convince his brother.

"What if something goes wrong, what if we need back ups?"

Techno's paranoia was starting the kick in, it was especially bad because of his lack of sleep.

"Techno it's ok, Dream hasn't made a move to attack for a while." Wilbur cautiously got the shorter to stand.

"Exactly! That means that he might try something soon." Techno tried to walk around Wilbur to get more supplies, "and i can't let you guys get hurt again."

"Techno!" Wilbur placed both his hands on the pinkette's shoulders, "not everyone is going to hurt us, we're ok."

The pig hybrid stopped trying to get away and looked down at the ground emotionlessly. Wilbur still had his hands on Techno's shoulders and hesitated before asking,

"Can I hug you?"

Wilbur knew how much his twin disliked physical contact in these sorts of serious situations.

Techno said nothing but nodded slightly to Will's surprise. The brunette quickly wrapped his arms around his older brother and felt techno do the same.

The pinkette dug his head into the taller's shoulder and sighed loudly.

"I've got you Techno.." Wilbur softly said.


Go read my other book

The chapter i spent four days on flopped-

Anyways did y'all like this chapter :D?


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