4- I Miss You

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Art by @ charliie_k01 on Instagram

Summary: techno misses will :')

Note: let's pretend that tommy and tubbo's friendship didn't go up in flames.


"My L'manburg...my l'manburg..."

Techno watched as Tommy sang to Tubbo trying to get the brunette to sleep.

Next to the pink haired man stood a grey skinned man, he was floating a few feet off the ground. Ghostbur had a confused look in his eye as he listened the blonde sing.

Will turned to ask Techno what song it was but the older turned to leave before he could.

Silently Will trailed behind him holding some blue with a sad smile. He couldn't see Techno's face but Ghostbur could tell that his alive twin was sad.

"Technoblade! Here," he pushed the blue into the others hands when Techno tuned, "I think you need some blue!"

Techno didn't say anything, he just stared at the item in his hands with a broken look. The pinkette pocketed the useless item and continued walking.

Wilbur continued to follow him.


Techno had walked all the way to L'manburg.

Where Wilbur was killed.

The pinkette walked stiffly to the room where his brother died and turned to Wilbur, hoping for some sort of reaction.

Instead the brunette smiled softly, "this is where dad killed me..."

"..." Techno said nothing as he carefully watched the ghost.

"This was a happy memory for me...did you know everyone hated Alivebur?"

Techno let out a shakey breath and leaned against a wall, slowly sinking to the ground covering his face with his hands. Ghostbur didn't understand why Techno was so sad.

Everyone was happy that Alivebur died.


"I-I don't like sad things, because they make me forget people. And I don't want to forget you." Ghostbur began walking out of the room.

Techno quickly stood stumbling after the ghost, tears streaming down his face.


He grabbed his twins semi solid wrist cause the other to froze and look at him with wide eyes.

"I miss you."

Once again Techno collapsed to the floor sobbing. Wilbur carefully pulled away his hand and let his feet touch the ground as he knelt next to the living man.

"It's ok.." he whispered hopelessly.


I desided to write the angst and then the fluff :)



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