2- Braids

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Art by @ izstecraftt on Instagram

Here have some fluff :)

Summary: Evolution of Techno's hair

T/W: Implied Character Death

Techno and Wilbur are twins :D

Also minecraft irl AU

Age 9

"Techno come here!" Smol Wilbur called his older brother.

A brown haired boy walked into the room with a soft expression, "hm?"

"Come here." Wilbur patted the ground on front of him.

Techno silently sat in front of his twin not questioning what the other was planning.

Suddenly the older felt Wilbur play with his chin length hair, pulling it into two pigtails.

"What are you doing Will?" Techno asked.

"Your hair is getting long, i wanna see what kinda hair styles you can wear." The younger giggled.

"I'm probably going to cut it soon.." The shorter thought out loud.

"Aw.." Will said sadly.

Age 12

"All right you two, it's bed time." Phil said to the two boys playing Minecraft.

"Ok." The two turned off the game and Phil walked out of the room.

Before the two went to sleep Techno sat at the end of Wilbur's bed and Will sat behind him with a brush in hand.

By now Techno's hair was a little past his shoulders, and Wilbur had started a nightly tradition of braiding the others hair.

Techno said nothing as his younger twin carefully weaved his brown hair into a braid.

"I thought you said you'd cut your hair?" Wilbur grinned while tying the end.

"Well you like braiding my hair, so I'll keep it long for you." Techno shrugged.

Age 16

"Wilby! Techno!" Tommy ran in excitedly, "Dad said I can come with you guys to fight monsters! He also said to start getting read." 

"Did you just call me Wilby?" Wilbur smiled at his little brother.

"Uh, no you stupid bitxh-" the blonde ran out of the room. 

Wilbur turned to his now pink haired brother and the two laughed at their little brothers actions. The two began getting ready and Techno, who never learned how to braid hair, just tied his now mid back length hair into a low pony tail. 

"Techno your hair is going to get in your way, come here," Wilbur pulled the hair tie out and began braiding the others long hair.

"Ta-da!" Wilbur pushed the braid over Techno's shoulder so he could see,

"I really need to teach you how to braid."


"Your hair!" Wilbur yelled running up to Techno.

The taller grabbed his brothers now chin length hair sadly.

"Small price to pay for 100k don't you think?" Techno asked removing his mask.

"...maybe..." Wilbur's eyes brightened as he pulled out a hair tie and tied Techno's pink hair into a small bun, "at least i can still do this!"

"Don't worry, I'll grow it back out for you." Techno smiled softly at his brother.

"Eyyy, that was so fuxking cool Techno!" Tommy yelled running to his brother.


Techno stood in the pouring rain, his hair was down at his waist soaking wet. He didn't pay no mind to that though, he just stared at the grey skinned man in front of him.

Slowly Techno reached forwards, the man copied his actions, and the second their finger touched chills ran down his spine.


The man smiled sadly.

"Hey Techno," Wilbur glanced at Techno's hair, "your hair is going to get in your way, come here."


I have angst in the making, but I'll make a fluffy chapter before :)

Hint: flower crowns :D


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