19- He's Alive (Early Finale)

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Yeah I'm ending this sooner than i planned-

I'm starting two new oneshot books:

SMP Goals


Husband Goals

So yeah-

Summary: Tommy do be alive doe


"Tommy?" Ghostbur looked around the empty white space and sighed, "Guess they brought you back huh?"

"Now lets see if they'll bring us back hm?" A horned man hummed from the ground near Ghostbur.


"What kind of sick fuxking joke is this?" Quackity hissed at the blonde, "it's not fuxking Halloween y'know, this is disrespectful. Dressing up as someone who's dead."

Tommy looked down at the man with wide eyes, "Big Q,  it's me-"

"You even sound like him...what the hell is this?" Quackity backed up.

From a corner of the room Tubbo hid behind a wall watching Tommy, he still couldn't believe he was back.

Tommy took a hesitant step forward, "I'm back big man.."

"No-No! We buried you!" The others voice cracked.

"It really is him." Another voice said softly.

The three turned and saw Technoblade standing there, the man momentarily looked at Quackity who backed up slighty.

"Techno." Tommy said emotionlessly.

The pinkette walked over to the boy and placed a hand on his head, "don't forget what i taught you."

And with that he left.


"So you guys made a grave?" The blonde looked at the flowers.

"Well actually Tubbo did...he might need some time." Ranboo glanced to his husband who was still watching them from a distance.

"..." Tommy turned to leave to go home but Ranboo stopped him.

The tall man handed him a flower, "try not to die again."


New books will be out in like a week :]

Till then, thanks for this crazy ride and i bid you farewell

Jk imma yell at tall again


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