3- Cookies

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Summary: chaos

Note: yeah i know i said I was gonna make a chapter and hinted flowers, but i got this one done faster so uh next chapter. Maybe.


"Tommy stop trying to put Tubbo into the oven, Techno put that knife down, Wilbur stop trying to get Niki to eat the raw batter, Fundy stop crying, Tubbo stop doing what Tommy says." Phil yelled trying to control the room full of children.

They were trying to bake gingerbread men but it didn't go so well.

The kitchen filled with screaming from all the children being chaotic.

Phil turned to Bad who had his kids, and boyfriend, somehow under control.

"Dream, George can you two mix the batter? Sapnap help me and Geppy decorate these cookies!" Bad giggled as the three kids happily complied.

"Teach me your ways."


"Why are you crying?!" Phil grabbed Tubbo who was sobbing on the ground.

He had burnt his hand

Tommy was trying to comfort the boy but ended up crying as well.

"Why are you crying Tommy?" Phil turned to the small blonde.

"C-cause Tubbo's crying!"

"What kind of logic is that."

That just made the boys start crying even more.

Phil looked over and saw Techno standing behind Wilbur while holding a steak knife.



Now Niki and Fundy where both sitting on the ground happily talking while Wilbur sat in a corner looking dejected.

Tommy and Tubbo stopped crying and where 'secretly' stealing cookies and munching on them.

Techno was aggresivly starring at Dream, still holding his knife. The blonde only looked at him and stuck his tongue out.

Bad stood in between them and held a figure up to the brown haired Techno.

"No stabbing any of my muffins."

Techno blankly looked down at Bad's finger then back at the man, he slowly lifted his hand and pressed his finger tip against the brown haired adult.

"Phil why is your kid so creepy."


"YOU STUPID SON OF A--” Tommy screamed at Skeppy who was holding Dream up in the air.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Bad and Phil both yelled.

The smol blonde was aggresivly smacking Skeppy's leg trying to get to Dream who had called him a child. Tubbo was trying to hold back his brother but was very much failing in doing so.

Phil glanced back to Wilbur and Techno to make sure neither of them where dead. The twins where both asleep on the ground leaning in each other.

Phil sighed in relief, less kids to deal with.

And then Skeppy screamed as Tomm bit him.


They finally finished the cookies and where sitting in the living room all feeling extremely spent.

"Kiss your homies!" Dream and Sapnap screamed at George.

"Wot." The boy in goggles tilted his head.

"You kissed Callahan the other day! We want kissies!" Sapnap yelled clinging to the others shirt.

"Here!" Dream pointed to his and Sapnap's cheek.



"why are they all of a sudden being hyper?" Skeppy whined.

"Bad tell him to kiss us!" Dream looked at the hooded man.

"Hahaha! Pissbaby!" Tommy yelled causing Tubbo and the twins to laugh at the green boy.

"..." Dream said nothing as he pulled out a foam sword.

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" Techno yelled bringing his steak knife back out.


I'm either gonna post a fluffy chapter involving flowers next, or a slightly angsty chapter.

Havent desided yet-


Go read her SBI book

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