11- In The End

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I'm tired of fluff, time to get sum of that bitter sweet angst :)

Prompt by: FrostnCripple

Request: Manburg go brrr and techno accidently kills dad.

Bad Ending T/W: death, blood, insanity, double suicide, and killing.

Good Ending T/W: death, blood, and insanity.

Note: the second ending will start after they escape the explosions and stuff.

Bad Ending

"Death!" Technoblade yelled firing at random into the crowd of people.

Suddenly the ground began shaking and everyone stopped running, the withers where finally killed.

So why was the ground shaking?

"HOLY SHI-" Quackity screamed as he got launched into the air along with many others as TNT began exploding.

Techno laughed loudly as he spawned another Wither.

"Where's Wilbur?!" Tommy yelled while holding up an unconscious Tubbo.

Everyone tried to look for the man while also trying not to get blown up. Techno turned and saw Wilbur standing in a room that was hidden before the explosions.

Phil was with him.


"How did he get here?"


The pink haired man watched in horror as Phil lifted his sword ready to strike Wilbur.

Then out of pure instinct Techno raised his crossbow and aimed it at the blonde.

Philza went out with a bang

"NO!" Tommy screamed nearly dropping Tubbo to go to his father.

"Oh god." Techno mumbled before pearling over to Will and pulling the taller to follow him.


The two had made it under ground before Wilbur stopped running causing Techno to turn to him.

"What are you doin? We gotta get outta here." The pinkette anxiously looked down the tunnels.

"Techno, I can't do this. I asked Phil to kill me. I can't live with this insanity!" Wilbur said tugging his hair.

"Will..." Techno took a deep breath, "you die, I die. You and me till the end."

"Technoblade please-!" Wilbur sobbed reaching for his friend, "kill me!"


Techno said nothing as he loaded his crossbow and leaned his forehead against Will's, the older took a shakey breath. He placed the end of the crossbow to the back of the brunette's head, Wilbur smiled and shut his eyes.

"Bond thicker than blood." Wilbur whispered.

"Love as strong as brothers." Techno pulled the trigger.

Later that same day most L'manburg searched everywhere for the two friends, before Tommy and Tubbo made the gruesome discovery.

The two people who destroyed all of their dreams.

But in the end they where just dead corpses.

Good Ending

The two had made it under ground before Wilbur stopped running causing Techno to turn to him.

"What are you doin? We gotta get outta here." The pinkette anxiously looked down the tunnels.

"Techno, I can't do this. I asked Phil to kill me. I can't live with this insanity!" Wilbur said tugging his hair.

"Will..." Techno took a deep breath, "you die, I die. You and me till the end."

"Technoblade please-!" Wilbur sobbed reaching for his friend, "kill me!"

"Will please, don't make me kill you too...!"

When Wilbur looked at Techno's broken expression his eyes cleared of the insanity for the first time in months.

"I can't stay here," he shook his head repeatedly, "please get me out of here."

The pinkette nodded and lead the other to a portal, Wilbur's eyes fogging again.


Months have passed and no one has seen or heard from either of the two.

They went off to live in the tundra which was pretty far from L'manburg.

Techno had been helping Wilbur with his insanity, while Will tried his best to help Techno get over killing their father figure.

One night while they where looking at the stars the insanity cleared from Wilbur's eyes for the first time in months.

The taller turned to the pinkette and smiled softly.

"I see you."

It was Will, he was back.

And in the end they where just two brothers living with their mistakes.


This took not too long to write :)

I missed writing angst ngl

Please request more angst-



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