18- He's Gone

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Help idk who the artist is

Summary: Ahaha Tommy go brrr--

T/W: Character Death, Implied Character Death, getting beat, screaming, and crying.


"No no no!" Tommy screamed looking around the small room, "Sam? This isn't funny! Let me out!"

Dream sat behind Tommy and smiled at him, "Oh come on Tommy, it'll be like the good old days.."

The younger looked at him with a horrified expression and banged on the obsidian walls yelling, "..Sam please-!...Sam!...P-Phil...Dad! Save me!"

Dream watched the poor boy with a grin on his face.


"I'm alive and you are trapped here. Forever. I know your revival book isn't real because Schlatt's still dead, his remains are buried!" Tommy pushed Dream back.

The older smiled and took a bite of a stale potato before saying, "Then go say hi to him in person."

And began beating the boy go death in the cold cell.


Tommy looked around the white empty area and stopped when he saw two figures in the distance. Slowly he made his way over and his movements stuttered when he heard them talking, he recognized those voices.

"W-Wilby?" Tommy called out.

Both men immediately stopped and turned to the boy. The man with horns dropped his whiskey bottle while the taller stared down at Tommy in shock.

"No...no! It wasn't your time it was too soon!" Wilbur ran towards the younger and pulled him close.

The blonde gripped his brother tightly and felt tears prickling at his eyes, in a broken voice he whispered, "No one came Will, I called for Dad he didn't come, I called for Sam and he didn't either.."


"Tubbo he's go-" Phil said but got interrupted.

"No he's not, i saw him the other day." Tubbo said as he picked a flower.

"His body was there. Tubbo, Tommy's dead."

Phil had been trying to tell the shorter that but he refused to accept it. The taller grabbed Tubbo by his shoulders and forced him to look at him as he yelled, "Tommy is dead. Dead."

"I know!" Tubbo screamed tears filling his eyes, he shoved away the father figures hands, "I know...b-but this is my story and I-I get to choose how it ends! So he can't he d-dead, he's not supposed to leave m-me!"

The brunette shook as he covered his face and cried into his hands. Suddenly out of nowhere a tall black and white colored boy teleported next to him, he hugged the boy from behind just as Tubbo collapsed to the ground.


A group was gathered at the beach at sunset a few days later. No one spoke as they placed flowers on a freshly covered grave.

Beloved Brother and Son
Brave soldier of L'manburg
Brought freedom to his country.



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