14- Grow As We Go

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Summary: As they grow they always talk.

T/W: Implied character death 


Techno walked out the backdoor and towards the doc that sat on a lake near the SBI's house, and as he got closer he hear soft snores and saw someone laying on the doc. 

"Will?" He said in his monotone voice and poked his twin with his foot. 

After a few light kicks to the shoulder Wilbur finally woke up and looked up at his pink haired brother with a tired expression and sat up. 

"Techno..? Where the hell am I?" He asked looking around.

"Will, why where you sleeping on the doc?" The pinkette asked while sitting next to the brunette. 

"Oh...the doc...I came out here to get away from dad.." Will said in a soft voice.

"..." Techno said nothing as the two sat with their legs hanging over the water watching the sunset. 

A light breeze passed causing Wilbur to wrap his arms around himself and shiver, "It's cold.."

Without saying anything Techno grabbed the end of his cape and wrapped it around Wilbur pulling his brother closer to him. 

"Give Dad some time to cool down, he shouldn't be mad at you for something Tommy did." Technoblade mumbled leaning his cheek on Wilbur's head.


This time it was Wilbur who found Techno on the doc, the pinkette was staring into the water with a blank expression.

With a grin on his face Wilbur sat next to the other and bumped shoulder with him.

"Tommorow's the big day." The excitement was evident in the brunettes crazy eyes.

"Are you sure about this Will? This is what you've been trying to do for this whole war. Get L'manburg back, and that's what's gonna happen tomorrow." Techno turned to his brother.

"...that isn't my L'manburg. My L'manburg is gone, and there's getting it back." He turned to the pig hybrid, "i have to do what I have to."

"Are you sure about the plan..." Techno hesitated, "all of it?"

"I'm going to die tomorrow Technoblade, there's no stopping it." Will smiled once again and turned back to the lake, extending his arm out, "I'm going to make it all go away."

"Will.." The pinkette quiet said.

"It's going to be ok, it'll be better without me around." The brunette leaned against his twin and closed his eyes.

He began singing softly, "my L'manburg...my L'manburg.."


Techno sat alone on the doc as the sun set, beyond the lake you could a crator where L'manburg once stood, and in the pinkette's hands you could see him holding Will's coat.

The man shivered as he felt something cold on his back.

"Why am i so cold..?" He hugged Wilbur's jacket closer to him.

Behind him stood Ghostbur, who had a hand on Technoblade's shoulder.


I have a really angsty chapter i wanna make :))

Also i got tiktok and uh my acc is the same as on here so follow me 👉👈?


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