9. Clash Of Gods

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A wailing cry of a woman echoed through every corner of the castle. Her deafening screams nearly shattered the glass. She was at the peak of her labour. One more push by her and a child would enter the world.

Arianrhod, the goddess of the moon, stars and the fate paced back and forth. She was waiting for the child to come to the world. The child was part of her plan. The Plan of her repentance. She wanted to correct the mistake she did in the past, and this child was going to be the step of rectification. The Goddess had carried the burden of her one mistake for centuries now. With one final cry from the woman and one more painful yet powerful push from her, brought the child in the world. The mother smiled at first glance of her baby all the pain, suffering and discomfort were forgotten by the mere sight of her child. The baby was covered in blood, but it still was most beautiful for her mother.

Arianrhod smiled she honestly felt happy after almost five centuries, as she looked down on the Earth from her castle. She smiled when she saw both, mother and father peppering kisses all over their child's face. This child was destined for greatness that she didn't know nor would they understand.

The Goddess let out a sigh of relief. She closed her eyes with a ghost of a smile appearing on her face. The task she had hidden from everyone was completed. All of sudden she heard a ferocious and incredibly frightening growl resonating from the other side of the Earth. It was so loud and so angry that even Goddess felt frightened.

"Oh, Dear!" She thought.

How could she have forgotten the most important detail? His Lycan had felt the presence of his mate. It would only be a matter of time before a particular vexed God, and the council came barging through the doors. It would have been centuries since she had met him, her lover, her consort, her Helios.

Just as expected, Helios, the Sun God, came barging through the doors of her castle. She checked her reflection in a mirror lying nearby. She sat on her throne appearing indifferent, but her insides were turning to mush. Mere thoughts of her lover caused her cheeks to redden, as she remembered their time together.

"How dare you!"

She heard his voice and flinched at his tone. The baritone voice, which was once very gentle and soothing was now harsh and accusing. She lifted her head, and her long eyelashes fluttered as she tried to fight the power of mate bond. Her cheeks reddened as she recalled the incident where the Sun God showed her how much persuasive his tongue could be. She shook her head to cast away such indecent thoughts and looked at the God in front of her. She just couldn't breathe at the sight in front of her; his presence was so overwhelming for her. He looked debonair in his golden silk embroidered cloak with a few strands of his hair falling across his forehead. He stood tall and proud. His golden eyes looked like the mixture of melting fire and honey. Once upon a time, they held so much love for her now she could see only hatred and bitterness instead. She tried her best not to flinch or wince at his accusatory tone. His squared shoulders and strong arms displayed his masculinity in its prime. His crooked nose and sharp cheekbones on which she had smothered kisses once were now ticked off and his nostrils flared.

"How dare I what, Helios?"

She kept her face neutral and her tone stoic. She was Goddess for crying out loud, not a puny mortal. If he is not affected by her, then she decided not to betray any emotion, even if her insides were in a turmoil

"How dare you meddle in the affairs which are not yours to meddle?"

Helios spat getting infuriated. He had thought separation from her for five centuries would wither away his love for her, but he was wrong. She looked astonishingly beautiful in her white silk gown, adorned with a delicate diamond-studded tiara on her head. Her blonde hair cascaded below her shoulders and ended just above her waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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